Participate in the Study
Access industry-leading CBIT training at no cost due to the underwriting of a National Institutes of Health Study – a $900 value.
Your participation will help improve future CBIT trainings and pave the way for an increase in the number of trained therapists available to treat patients with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
Study Details at a Glance
- Selection dependent on eligibility – requirements below.
- Participants will be randomly selected to participate in one of the in-person trainings or a virtual training.
- Participants select their preference to travel to from list of in-person training locations. Dates and locations subject to change.
- Those selected to travel to an in-person training will be responsible for travel and lodging logistics and expenses. Therapists accepted into the study may have their travel and lodging expenses waived if eligible.
- Continue Education Units available.
- Once you have submitted your application and affirmed your eligibility, you will be contacted by the study administrators.
- If you have any questions, please contact: Utah Tic Lab by phone at 801-585-7114 or by email at [email protected].
About the Study
Researchers at the University of Utah and Marquette University are seeking therapists and their
patients with tic disorders to participate in a research study examining the effectiveness of a self-paced, interactive online program for training therapists in Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). The program, called CBIT-Trainer, was developed by researchers at the University of Utah, Marquette University, and PsycTech, LLC. The project is being funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH).
The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of CBIT-Trainer to the Tourette Association of America’s in-person Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTI) for training therapists to administer CBIT. As a part of this study, we will also examine patient outcomes following treatment by a CBIT-Trained therapist. We hope that by understanding these elements, we can increase the number of trained therapists available to treat patients with TD.
We are currently recruiting therapist-patient dyads who are interested in receiving CBIT training.
Therapists who agree to participate will be randomly assigned to receive CBIT training either through the online CBIT-Trainer program or the in-person BTI. The CBIT-Trainer program will involve completing the online, self-paced program over the course of 4 weeks. The in-person CBIT training program will involve attending one of several TAA-BTIs held across the United States. The TAA BTI involves two full days in in-person training. Participants in both conditions will have the opportunity to receive 3 follow-up consultations with a CBIT expert. Participating therapists will be asked to complete several online evaluation forms and participate in a virtual skills assessment at three different time points. Training will be provided at no cost and therapists accepted into the study may have their travel and lodging expenses waived if eligible. Therapists will be compensated for their time.
Locations and Dates
- 3/1/25 – 3/2/25: Orlando, FL
- 3/15/25 – 3/16/25: Washington, DC
Eligibility Requirements
Therapists will be eligible to participate if they:
- Have the equivalent of a master’s degree or higher in a mental/behavioral health, medical, or
related discipline. - Are professionally licensed and/or certified to practice in their area of specialty.
- Attest that providing CBIT to treat children and/or adults with tic disorders falls within their
scope of practice according to state licensing laws and regulations in their jurisdiction. - Have access to a secure personal computer with high-speed internet access.
- Speak fluent English.
- Have access to A) at least 1 child or adult patient or B) am willing to find a child or adult patient, who has a tic disorder and who is willing to participate in the study as a member of the therapist-patient dyad, and for whom the therapist is licensed or certified to treat with CBIT according to state licensing laws and regulations in their jurisdiction.
- Are willing to be randomly assigned to training condition.
- Are willing, able, and have the necessary resources to travel to, and attend, one of several in-person training sites if assigned to the in-person training condition.