The Tourette Association of America invites you to submit a proposal for the 2023 Tourette Association of America Virtual National Conference (TAA Virtual National Conference). The TAA Virtual National Conference will be held May 19-20, 2023.
The virtual one-day Research Symposium is happening in conjunction with our Virtual National Conference on May 19, 2023. The Symposium features the latest innovations in the neurobiological understanding of TS and innovative treatment approaches under development. The goal for the Symposium is to highlight the research of young investigators, promote exchange with more established investigators and ultimately help to build a larger, more diverse workforce focused on improving treatment and care for those affected by Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
The TAA will accept presentations in the following formats:
- Lecture session – max 3 speakers (30 mins, including Q&A)
- Lecture session – max 3 speakers (45 mins, including Q&A)
- Research blitz session (15 mins, no Q&A)
- Poster session
- All speakers must commit to presenting at the designated time during the conference.
- Speakers should grant permission for hard copy and online distribution of any submitted supplemental resource material(s).
- If you wish to distribute copyrighted information in your supplemental resources materials, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permission. Such materials will be distributed only if submitted with the publisher’s written permission attached.
- Primary Presenter Name
- Credentials
- Contact Information (email, phone, mailing address)
- Title of Workshop
- Presentation Summary (500 word max)
- Presentation Marketing Description (limit 100 words) – this description will appear on our website, registration site, conference app, and other media.
- Learning Objectives (3)
- Presentation Option
- Co-Presenters (names, credentials, contact information)
- Presenter Bios (max 200 words), including headshots for speaker(s) and any co-presenters
- OPTIONAL: Links to previous presentations, publications, or other media as available
Certain subjects are always in high demand by Conference attendees. Some of these topics are listed below:
- Treatment options overview
- Co-morbid conditions with TS
- Life transitions
- Education and workplace accommodations
- New, complementary and experimental treatment options
Please take note of these suggested presentation elements as you plan your proposal. The following will be considered as we make our final workshop selections:
- Diversity: Presentations should aim to be free from cultural biases and be inclusive of the diverse communities affected by Tourette Syndrome. Indicate incorporation or primary focus on culturally competent programming or programming focused on intersectionality where appropriate.
- Q&A (if applicable): Allow time for questions and answers from participants.
- Handouts: Providing a handout, or digital presentation, will help attendees follow your presentation, will help attendees who miss your presentation to see an overview of what was covered, and can provide suggestions for further resources.
Please submit your proposal to [email protected]
DEADLINE: January 20, 2023
DECISION DATE: February 9, 2023