Mock Interviews for Job Seekers

October 10, 2023
9:00 am
 – 11:00 am

Are you a job seeker looking to practice or refine your interviewing skills?

The TAA is hosting mock interview sessions with L’Oreal and Career Support Systems, Inc. to provide job seekers an opportunity to polish their interview skills. Additionally, the interviews will give the human resource experts at L’Oreal & Career Support Systems, Inc experience interviewing neurodiverse talent, such as individuals with Tourette Syndrome or Tic Disorders.

The mock interviews will be conducted virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, October 10th from 9-11am EST. Each interview will be about 45 minutes.

Registration is first come, first serve, so sign up soon to claim your spot!
Note: A waitlist will be created for any cancellations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].