TAA Sheds Light on TS Medical and Scientific Advances

In an effort to increase awareness, funds and research, the Tourette Association of America, in collaboration with the Congressional Tourette Syndrome Caucus, hosts Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder briefings on Capitol Hill.

On October 16, the most recent briefing, Shining Light on Tourette Syndrome: Medical and Scientific Advances in Tourette Syndrome Research and Treatment, was held.

This was the third annual fall briefing to outline medical and research advancements. It also highlighted the need for continued federal research funding for Tourette Syndrome.

At the briefing, Amanda Talty, TAA President, gave an overview of the impact of Tourette Syndrome on individuals and shared results of the TAA Impact Survey.

Prestigious medical professionals Joohi Jimenez-Shahed, MD, Matthew Capriotti, PhD, and Nicole Calakos, MD, PhD. were the featured speakers. They discussed barriers to treatment, outlined patient engagement for the next generation of CBIT, presented on neurocircuits underlying Tourette Syndrome and enforced the need for Young Investigator funding.

Talty, TAA Board Chairman Randi Zemsky, TAA Board Member Cheri David, VP of Medical and Research Programs Diana Shineman and TAA VP of Public Policy Diana Felner all met with staff of senators and congressmen to underscore the research and work that affects 1 out of every 100 school-aged children diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome or a Tic Disorder.