People with Tourette Syndrome and other Tic Disorders often face discrimination and stigmatization in the workplace. By creating a more understanding and accommodating workplace, companies can help individuals with TS & other Tic Disorders thrive and be successful in their careers.

What is Tourette Syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that becomes evident in early childhood or adolescence.

It is part of the spectrum of Tic Disorders and is characterized by motor and vocal tics. The current estimates are that 1 out of every 50 children has TS or another persistent Tic Disorder.

Employer Toolkit

Connecting to and Hiring Adults with Neurodiversity to Grow Employment


Schedule a FREE Virtual Lunch & Learn on Tourette Syndrome & Neurodiversity in The Workplace

A TAA staff member will work with your company or organization to host a free, virtual presentation for you & your employees to learn more about Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders, and their co-occurring conditions. 

Additionally, the TAA will share the advantages of hiring neurodiverse talent along with examples of work optimizations for your neurodiverse employees. We will also connect you to our programs & resources that can benefit your company.

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, please email [email protected]

Additional Resources

Benefits of Hiring Neurodiverse Talent

Neurodiverse employees are often lauded for exhibiting loyalty and timeliness, and for offering innovative, creative perspectives to improve policies and procedures that can increase a company’s bottom line. Other capabilities that benefit employers include: ​

  • Keen accuracy and ability to detect errors​
  • High levels of concentration​
  • Strong recall and detailed factual knowledge​
  • Reliability and persistence​
  • Technical strengths​
  • Appreciation for routine/repetition​

(Business Benefits, 2021)​

Employers have said that their hiring of neurodiverse employees have resulted in:​

  • Productivity Gains​
  • Quality Improvement​
  • Boosts in Innovative Capabilities​
  • Broad Increases in Employee Engagement ​

(Neurodiversity is a Competitive Advantage, 2021)

Participate in TAA’s Workforce Programs for Job Seekers

The TAA offers a variety of opportunities for companies & their staff to assist and engage with neurodiverse job seekers. 

Companies can host free, virtual webinars touching on topics, such as interviewing techniques, resume writing, networking, or career specific information.

Another option is for companies to collaborate with the TAA to host mock interviews or resume writing workshops for job seekers.

These opportunities will not only help neurodiverse candidates enter & thrive in the workplace, but also help your company evaluate & create more inclusive hiring & onboarding practices.

5 Tips for Tourette Syndrome in the Workplace
Join TAA’s Workforce Development Task Force

Become a thought leader & trailblazer for the neurodiverse community!

By joining the task force, you will connect with other company leaders in diversity, equity & inclusion. Members of the task force will convene to guide programming & resource development for employers wanting to include neurodiversity into their practices as well as for neurodiverse job seekers who are looking to enter or navigate the workforce.

If you are interested in joining the task force, please email [email protected].