At the Tourette Association of America we are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive resources and support for all of those with Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders, and other associated conditions. This page lists a wealth of information on a variety of topics. In addition, our robust Resource Directory is a fully searchable, comprehensive database on all topics related to Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders, and other associated conditions.
We understand that this disorder presents uniquely across all individuals. One size does not fit all, so we encourage you to reach out and get involved. We employ full-time Information and Referral staff who are available to assist you in both English and Spanish. Contact Us and a member of our team will be in touch to help you find specific resources and strategies that meet your specific need.
Tools for Parents or Caregivers
Advice, guidance and valuable information for parents or caregivers of children with Tourette or tics.
Tools for Children
Search tips, strategies and support resources for classroom help, bullying prevention and more.
Tools for Teens
The TAA is committed to helping teens advocate, understand and navigate through difficult times.
Tools for Emerging Adults
Find important information on transitions, relationships, medical care, local support and the latest in Tourette and Tic Disorder news.
Tools for Adults
Living with Tourette Syndrome as an adult comes with a unique set of challenges. Search information, articles and videos on job interview, job hunting and rights; dating and social situation and more.
Tools for Medical Professionals
Comprehensive information on diagnosis, treatment and research.
Tools for Educators
Comprehensive education resources for parents, kids and teachers.
Tools for Law Enforcement
Training materials and resources for law enforcement, first responders and more related to Tourette Syndrome and co-occurring conditions.
Become an Ambassador
Learn how to educate others about Tourette Syndrome (TS), as well as spread tolerance and increased understanding and awareness.
Find a Provider
Search by state and other filters to locate a provider in your local area.
Find Local Support
Find a Local Chapter or Support Group in your local area.
Free Webinars
The TAA hosts a variety of free informational webinars to further educate those impacted by TS, educators, medical professionals, and the general public about Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
Please note, you should not rely on the information posted on this site as a substitute for consultations with qualified health care professionals who are familiar with individual medical conditions and needs. The Tourette Association of America strongly recommends that treatment and care decisions related to Tourette Syndrome and any other medical condition be made in consultation with a patient’s physician or other qualified health care professionals who are familiar with the specific individual’s health situation.