Dear Future: A Letter from Amanda Talty, TAA CEO and President

While the past few months have forced the world into uncharted territory, there is hope for the future. Amanda Talty, CEO and President of the Tourette Association of America, recently joined leaders from all walks of life in writing letters of hope, which are featured in the current issue of Bella Magazine.


Dear Future,
Though the current state of the world may not be what we expected when we rang in the new year, I have learned to see a lot of promise, potential, and most of all hope for what comes next. As a leader of a national nonprofit, the Tourette Association of America, the last three months have been some of the most incredibly challenging times to navigate as an organization. Though challenging, it has afforded me time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, like time with my family to learn and grow with one another.

Promise that as human beings we will learn to accept differences, be open to learning, and be more empathetic and understanding to diverse populations including those impacted by Tourette syndrome, Tic disorders; mental health issues; gender, race, and equality issues; and other disparities.

Embrace the potential to collaborate and work with more like-minded organizations through virtual and in-person programming, training, and awareness based activities. If there is one thing we have learned over the course of the last three months, it’s our ability to do good work doesn’t stop if we’re not all in the same location.

Hope that we will all be better and do better. People impacted by disabilities have long been misunderstood and mocked. These incredibly resilient individuals are children and adults—human beings—with hopes, dreams, and feelings. As a leader in charge of implementing real change, I hope to create a world where people are seen for who they are and not their disability.

Amanda Talty

Bella Magazine