The Southern California Chapter is looking for passionate and motivated individuals to help lead support groups in San Diego County and start a new support group!
A series of online support groups both for young adults and parents. These support groups are available for people who may be located in an area without easy access to support.
The Tourette Association of America has been working to elevate the diversity of the community and, as part of this, we are celebrating Black History Month. To mark this celebration, the TAA is calling on members of the community to share stories and experiences.
As we near the end of another unparalleled year, the team at the Tourette Association of America (TAA) has been reflecting on the work that has been accomplished. The global events of last year pushed us to rethink how we can better increase awareness for Tourette Syndrome (TS) and address the most pressing issues facing our community. In 2021 the TAA focused on a path of growth stemming from those efforts.
In 2018, the Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder community joined together to provide valuable information that helped the Tourette Association of America to assess the impact of the condition on individuals and families. This is now your opportunity to contribute. Please participate in the 2022 Impact Survey to provide us with details so we can further assist and support the community.
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I’d like to offer a note of thanks and appreciation to each of you. Thank you to our generous donors who have made the Tourette Association of America their charity of choice. It is because of your resolve to make our association a priority, that we are able to deliver essential programming and resources including:
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and patient associations have noticed a surge in tics in people with Tourette Syndrome and they have also noticed what appears to be a potentially related type of movement disorder among youth that closely resembles a Tic Disorder. The Tourette Association of America (TAA) convened an international, multidisciplinary working group to help understand this functional neurological disorder and its relationship to Tourette Syndrome.
Tourette Association of America funded research confirms the long-term durability of behavior therapy for tics among youth with Tourette Syndrome and other types of Tic Disorders.
Resilience is one characteristic that many successful leaders share in common, and in many cases it is the most important trait necessary to survive and thrive in today’s complex market. Jerry Gidner has Tourette Syndrome and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Tourette Association of America. He is a citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. He is a long-time executive in the United States Federal government. Jerry has that resilience and shares 5 steps that someone can take to become more resilient.
October is a mega-month for our community and for the Tourette Association of America. Together we celebrate National Bullying Prevention Month, ADHD Awareness Month and OCD Awareness Week. I say celebrate because it is a wonderful thing that we can reflect on past struggles that have effected real and lasting change. For those of us who have endured any and all of those conditions, we also know the burden and weight they can bring. It is why we keep shining light on the important efforts of the TAA and our community partners so that everyone can feel supported and understood.