Anterior Cingulate Pathways through Core TS DBS Circuitry

Grant Type
Grant Year
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Institution Organization Name
University of Rochester
Investigators Name
Heilbronner, Sarah R, PhD

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a promising new neurosurgical treatment for Tourette Syndrome (TS), but it is not clear how or why it is effective. For example, DBS electrodes are often placed in large groups of axons that begin and end in distant brain regions, but these pathways are unknown. We will map the pathways of a particular brain region, the anterior cingulate cortex, through DBS electrode sites. This region is involved in motivation, movement, and cognition. Also, it is known to be abnormal in TS patients. Results will improve our understanding of how DBS in TS operates. Sarah R. Heilbronner, Ph.D. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY Award: $40,000 (Fellowship) Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 2014-2015