For a listing of all of TAA’s funded research programs and fellowships, please view our grants database.  You can search by year or topic using the keyword search. You may also search by Grant Year, Institution Location, Institution/Organization Name, Investigators Name, or Grant Type.

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Funding Areas



Title Type Year Institution Location Organization Name Investigator
A Cholecystikinin Hypothesis of Tourette Syndrome basic 1984 TX Texas Tech University Kulmaka, Henrik, PhD
A Clinical Study of Rage Attacks and Episodic Dyscontrol in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1995 NY Cornell University Budman, Cathy, MD
A Comprehensive Assessment of Dopaminergic Function in Tourette Syndrome Using Novel Positron Emission Tomography Ligands Clinical 2007-2008 Foreign University of Toronto Canada Strafella, Antonio, MD, PhD
A Comprehensive Neuroanatomical, Clinical, Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological Evaluation of Girls with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1994 MD Johns Hopkins University Singer, Harvey, MD
A Controlled Comparison of Habit Reversal and Awareness-Training for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Tic Disorder Clinical 1997 CA University of California Piacentini, John, PhD
A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2003-2004 NY New York University Gabbay, Vilma, MD
A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Aripiprazole in Children and Adolescents with Tourette’s Disorder and Explosive Outbursts Clinical 2005-2006 NY New York University Child Study Ctr Coffey, Barbara, MD, MS
A Double Blind, Placebo Controlled study of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome-Year 2 Clinical 2004-2005 NY New York University Gabbay, Vilma, MD
A Double-Blind Comparison of Desipramine and Placebo in Children with Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinical 1993 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Spencer, Thomas, MD
A Double-Blind Comparison of Risperidone and Pimozide in Patients with Tourette’s Syndrome and Neuropsychological Predictors of Treatment Response Clinical 1995 Foreign Marmara University Hospital Turkey Yazgan, M. Yanki, MD
A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Crossover Pilot Trial of Medical Cannabis in Adults with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2015-2016 Foreign Toronto Western Hospital Canada Sandor, Paul, MD
A Family Genetic Study of Children and Adolescents with TS and OCD Basic 2002-2003 CT Yale Child Study Center Rosario-Campos, Maria, MD, M.S.
A Follow Up Study of Tics and Tic Disorders in a Community Sample of Children and Adolescents Clinical 1997 CT Yale Child Study Center Scahill, Lawrence, MSN, MPH
A Genetic Linkage Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Basic 1991 CT Yale Child Study Center Pauls, David, PhD
A Genetic Study of Tourette Syndrome in a Founder Population Basic 2004-2005 Foreign University College of London UK Ruiz-Linares, Andres, MD, PhD
A New Genetic Mouse Model to Investigate the Pathophysiology of Involuntary Movement Disorder Basic 2011-2012 NY Santoro, Bina, PhD
A Pilot study of Levodopa for Treatment of Tics in Children and Adults Clinical 2000-2001 MO Washington University Black, Kevin, MD
A Pilot Study of metaclopramide in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders Clinical 2002-2003 Foreign Children's Hospital of Western Ontario Canada Nicolson, Rob, MD
A Pilot study of Metoclopramide in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2001-2002 Foreign University of Western Ontario Canada Nicolson, Rob, MD
A Pre-Clinical Model for Tics Basic 2000-2001 MO Washington University Mink, Jonathan, MD, PhD
A Re-Evaluation of Dopamine-Acetylcholine Interaction in the Basal Ganglia Basic 1991 Foreign University Center for Pharmacy The Netherlands DeBoer, Peter, PhD
A Re-Evaluation of Dopamine-Acetylcholine Interaction in the Basal Ganglia Clinical 1992 NJ Rutgers University DeBoer, Peter, PhD
A Role for Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2011-2012 Foreign Ariel University Center, Israel Anavi-Goffer, Sharon, PhD
A Role for Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor in Tourette Syndrome: Characterizing Novel Inhibitors for the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome basic 2018 Foreign University of Aberdeen Sharon Anavi-Goffer
A Role for Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor in Tourette Syndrome: MRI Brain Imaging Basic 2012-2013 Foreign Ariel University Center Israel Anavi-Goffer, Sharon, PhD
A Spontaneous Model of Tourette Syndrome in Horses Basic 1993 MA Tufts University Shuster, Louis, PhD
A study of Guanfacine for Children and Adolescents with Tic Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Clinical 1996 CT Yale Child Study Center Scahill, Lawrence, MSN, MPH
A Transgenic Approach to Dopaminergic Neurophysiology Basic 1994 MN University of Minnesota Burton, Frank, PhD
A Virtual Reality-based FMRI Study of Learning Systems in Children with TS Clinical 2010-2011 NY Columbia University School of Medicine Marsh, Rachel, PhD
Acquisition of Stimulus Control over tic suppression: Testing the Neurobehavioral Model Clinical 2007-2008 WI University of Wisconsin Woods, Douglas, PhD
Afferent Regulation of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons: Ascending Projections from the Dorsal Raphe and Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei Clinical 1988 MI Sinai Hospital of Detroit Kelland, Mark, PhD
Aminobutyric Acid and Glutathione in Tourettes Disorder (TD): An MR Spectroscopy Study Basic 2011-2012 NY New York University School of Medicine Gabbay, Vilma, MD
Aminobutyric Acid in Tourette’s Disorder: An MR Spectroscopy Study Clinical 2009-2010 NY New York University Gabbay, Vilma, MD
An Animal Model of Tourette Syndrome: Targeted Ablation of Striatal Fast-Spiking Interneurons Basic 2007-2008 CT Yale University Pittenger, Christopher, MD, PhD
An Animal Model of Tourette Syndrome: Targeted Ablation of Striatal Fast-Spiking Interneurons Basic 2008-2009 CT Yale University Pittenger, Christopher, MD, PhD
An Epidemiological Study to Investigate the Association between Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Streptococcal Throat Infections Clinical 2006-2007 Foreign University College Medical School UK Schrag, Anette, MD, PhD
An Etiologically Informative, Population-based Study of Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tics Across the Lifespan Clinical 2012-2013 Foreign King's College London UK Mataix-Cols, David, PhD
An Evaluation of Voluntary Tic Suppression, Its effects and its predictors Clinical 2004-2005 WI University of Wisconsin Woods, Douglas, PhD
An Investigation of Attentional Abnormalities Specific to Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1990 UT University of Utah Myles-Worsley, Marina, PhD
Analysis of the Basal Ganglia Territories Involved in Different Clinical Manifestations of TS and Determination of potential Efficacy of Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in a New Monkey Model (2nd yr) Basic 2002-2003 Foreign Hopital de la Pitie-Salpetriere France Tremblay, Leon, PhD
Analysis of the Basal Ganglia Territories Involved in the Clinical Manifestation of TS by a Combined Anatomical, Pharmacological and Behavioral Study in Green Monkeys Basic 2001-2002 Foreign Hopital de la Pitie-Salpetriere France Tremblay, Leon, PhD
Analysis of the Role of Non-coding Sequence Variation in the Etiology of Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2014-2015 CA University of California Ramenskiy, Vasily, PhD
Analysis of the Role of the Functional Loss of Neuron Populations Associated with Tourette Syndrome in the Symptomatology of the Disorder Basic 2011-2012 NJ Rutgers University Koos, Tibor, PhD
Anatomical and Behavioral Studies of the Actions of Serotonin-Responsive Neurons in the Ventrolateral Striatum: A Potential Model for Neuropathology of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1993 PA University of Pennsylvania Eberle-Wang, Kim, PhD
Anatomical and Behavioral Studies of the Role of the Serotonin-Responsive Neurons in the Subthalamic Nucleus: A Potential Role of the 5-HT1c (5-HT2c) Receptor in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1994 PA University of Pennsylania Eberle-Wang, Kim, PhD
Anatomical Correlates of Tourette Syndrome: Interactions Among ‘Estrogenergic’, Dopaminergic, and Prefrontal Cortex-Basal Ganglia Circuitries in the Rodent and Primate Brain Basic 1994 CT Yale University Jakab, Robert, PhD
Anatomical Correlates of Tourette Syndrome: Limbic Area Neurons and Pathways Utilizing Sex Steroids Basic 1992 CT Yale University Jakab, Robert, PhD
Anger-Control Intervention for Children with Tourette Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Study Clinical 2001-2002 CT Yale Child Study Center Sukhodolsky, Denis, PhD
Anterior Cingulate Cognitive Processing in Tourette’s Disorder Clinical 1990 MO Washington University School of Medicine Pardo, Jose, MD, PhD
Anterior Cingulate Pathways through Core TS DBS Circuitry Clinical 2014-2015 NY University of Rochester Heilbronner, Sarah R, PhD
Anxiety Phenotypes and Functional Impact in Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders basic 2019 New York University of Rochester Jennifer Vermillion
Assessing the Social Determinants of Health in Individuals with Tourette Syndrome basic 2018 Massachusetts Massachusetts General Hospital Marisela Dy-Hollins, Ph.D.
Assessing the Validity of a Web-Based Phenotyping Tool for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2012-2013 CA University of California Mathews, Carol, MD
Autoantibodies and Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1995 MD Johns Hopkins University Singer, Harvey, MD
Autoimmune Mechanisms in Tourette Syndrome and Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders Clinical 1999-2000 NY Cornell University Medical Center Trifiletti, Rosario, MD, PhD
Autoimmunity in Neuropsychiatric Disorders Basic 2001-2002 CA University of California Hoffman, Kurt, PhD
Autoimmunity in Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders Basic 2000-2001 CA University of California Hoffman, Kurt, PhD
Autonomic Testing in Tourette Syndrome Patients Clinical 1984 IL Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med Ctr. Goetz, Christopher, MD
Basal Ganglia Circuit Mechanisms of Orofacial and Vocal Actions basic 2016 California University of California, San Diego Lauren McElvain, Ph.D.
Behavior Therapy for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1986 FL Nova University School of Psychology Arzin, Nathan, MD
Behavioral and Physiological Phenotypes Induced by an Early Loss of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons: Proving Face Validity for a Novel Mouse Model of Tourette Syndrome basic 2015 Foreign University of Buenos Aires Juan Emilio Belforte, Msc., Ph.D.
Behavioral and Physiological Phenotypes Induced by an Early Loss of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons: Proving Face Validity for a Novel Mouse Model of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2015-2016 Foreign University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine Belforte, Juan Emilio, PhD
Behavioral, Neurochemical and Pharmacological Analysis of HDC-KO Mice, A New Animal Model for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2012-2013 CT Yale University Baldan-Ramsey, Lissandra, PhD
Biochemical EEG Topography in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1986 NY New York University Bonnet, Kenneth, PhD
Biofeedback Treatment for TS: Preliminary Randomized Controlled Study Basic 2007-2008 Foreign University of Essex UK Nagai, Yoko, PhD
Blood Genomic Profiling of NK Cells and CD8+ Cells in Patientd with Familial Tourette Syndrome Basic 2006-2007 CA University of California Sharp, Frank, MD
Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Tourette Syndrome-Year 2 Clinical 2004-2005 Foreign University of Western Ontario Canada Nicolson, Rob, MD
Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in TS Clinical 2003-2004 Foreign University of Western Ontario Canada Nicolson, Rob, MD
Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Tourette Syndrome and ADHD Clinical 2005-2006 Foreign University of Western Ontario Canada Nicolson, Rob, MD
Brain Networks in Tourette Syndrome with and without Psychiatric Comorbidities Clinical 1999-2000 NY New York University Feigin, Andrew, MD
Characterization of Dopamine receptor Function in the Striatum of Dopamine Transporter Knock-Out Mice: Relevance for Tourette Syndrome Basic 1997 NC Duke University Gainetdinov, Raul, MD, PhD
Characterization of Lymphocytic Diversity in Children with Tic Exacerbations Clinical 2002-2003 FL University of Florida Murphy, Tanya, MD
Characterization of Neurophysiological Abnormalities in the Basal Ganglia of Tourette Syndrome Patients Basic 2006-2007 Foreign Bar-Ilan University Israel Bar-Gad, Izhar, PhD
Cholinergic strategies in Tourette Syndrome: A Controlled Trial of Tacrine Hydrochloride Clinical 1996 GA Emory University Juncos, Jorge, MD
Chronic Clonidine and Alpha-2 Modulation of Central Noradrenergic Function: Implications for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1994 PA University of Pittsburgh Mana, Michael, PhD
Clinical and Attention Effects of Acute Nicotine Treatment in Tourette’s Disorder Clinical 1998 Foreign University of Ottawa Canada Knott, Verner, D.Phil.
Clinical and Genetic Examination of the Relationship Between TS and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Clinical 1990 CT Yale Child Study Center LaBuda, Michele, PhD
Clinical Predictors of Explosive Outbursts in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1999-2000 NY New York University Budman, Cathy, MD
Clomipramine Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Patients with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1986 Foreign Toronto Western Hospital Canada Sandor, Paul, MD
Clonidine’s Effects on Identified Subpopulations of Dopamine-containing Neurons: Electrophysiological Studies Clinical 1985 MI Wayne State University Chiodo, Louis, PhD
Collaborative Projects in Genetic Linkage Analyses of Tourette Syndrome – 1st of 2 Awards Basic 1986 NY University of Rochester Kurlan, Roger, MD
Collaborative Projects in Genetic Linkage Analyses of Tourette Syndrome – 2nd of 2 Awards Basic 1986 CT Yale Child Study Center Pauls, David, PhD
Comparison of Habit Reversal Training vs. Habit Reversal Training with Adjunctive Pharmacotherapy in Adolescents with Tic Disorders Clinical 1991 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Steingard, Ron, MD
Consortium for Neuropathology of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1996 Five Participating Centers Leckman, James, MD
Continued Evaluation of CNTNAP2/CASPR2 as a Tourette Syndrome Candidate Gene (2nd Year) Basic 2007-2008 CA University of California Abrahams, Brett, PhD
Continuous follow-up of Methylphenidate treatment for ADHD in Children with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2005-2006 NY State University of New York Gadow, Kenneth, PhD
Continuous Follow-up of Methylphenidate Treatment for ADHD in children with Tourette Syndrome (2nd year) Clinical 2006-2007 NY State University of New York Gadow, Kenneth, PhD
Continuous Long-Term Follow-up for Methylphenidate Therapy for Children with both TS and ADHD Clinical 1999-2000 NY State University of New York Gadow, Kenneth, PhD
Control of Cortical Inputs to the Ventral striatum by Dopamine and Local Inhibition: Effects on Weak and Strong Inputs (2nd year) Basic 2006-2007 MD University of Maryland Gruber, Aaron, PhD
Control of Cortical Inputs to the Ventral Striatum by Dopamine: Effects on Weak and Strong Inputs Basic 2005-2006 NY Albany Medical College Gruber, Aaron, PhD
Controlled Trial of Transdermal Clonidine in TS Clinical 1986 OR Oregon Health Sciences University Gancher, Stephen, MD
Cortical Functioning and Correlates of Behavior Therapy for Youth with Persistent Tic Disorders basic 2017 California Stanford University Flint Espil, Ph.D.
Cortical Neurophysiologic Biomarkers Related to Response Inhibitor in Tourette Syndrome basic 2018 Ohio Cincinatti Children's Hospital Steve Wu, Ph.D.
Cortical Regulation of Striatal Dopamine Neurons: Implications for the Neuropathology of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1993 PA University of Pittsburgh Finlay, Janet, PhD
Cortical Regulation of Subcortical Dopamine Release: Implications for the Neuropathology of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1992 PA University of Pittsburgh Finlay, Janet, PhD
Cross-sectional Study of Dopamine-2 Receptor Antibodies in Patients with Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Clinical 2013-2014 Foreign Children's Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney, Australia Dale, Russell C., PhD, MD
CSF Lymphocyte Immunophenotyping in PANDAS Clinical 2004-2005 IL Southern Illinois School of Med. Pranzatelli, Michael, MD
D2 Receptor Regulation of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism and Excitability in the Nucleus Accumbens Basic 1992 TN University of Tennessee Surmeier, D. James, PhD
DBS Registry Project basic 2019 Florida University of Florida, Gainesville Mike Okun, Ph.D.
Decoding Global Networks Underlying Tourette Syndrome Subtypes Using PET and Electrophysiological Methodologies Basic 2014-2015 Foreign Korea Brain Research Institute McCairn, Kevin W, PhD
Deficits and Temporal Dynamics of Inhibitory Control over Voluntary and Involuntary Actions in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2010-2011 VA University of Virginia Medical Center Wylie, Scott, PhD
Delta-9- Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome-A Double Blind-Placebo Controlled Cross-Over Study Clinical 1998 Foreign Medical School of Hannover Germany Muller-Vahl, Kirsten, MD
Detection and Characterization of pathogenic Autoantibodies Targeting the Dopamine System in PANDAS and Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2009-2010 Foreign University of Sydney Australia Dale, Russell, PhD, M.R.C.P.H.
Determining the Long-term Effects of Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics: A Nine Year Follow-up of Original Child CBIT Study Participants Clinical 2015-2016 CA University of California Piacentini, John, PhD
Developing an Animal Model for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2001-2002 CT Yale School of Medicine Taylor, Jane, PhD
Developing Clinical subtypes for Genetic Studies of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2005-2006 CA University of California Mathews, Carol, MD
Developing Effective Response Inhibition Training for Symptom Relief in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2011-2012 WI University of Wisconsin Lee, Han Joe, PhD
Developing Functional MRI Probes for use in Pediatric TS Patients Clinical 1999-2000 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Rauch, Scott, MD
Developing New Treatments for Tourette Syndrome: Therapeutic Trials with Modulators of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission Clinical 2007-2008 MD Johns Hopkins University Singer, Harvey, MD
Developmental Plasticity of Basal Ganglia dopamine Systems Clinical 1990 PA University of Pennsylvania Neal, Bethany, PhD
Differential Cortical Input and Neurochemical Inhomogeneity in the Indirect Striatopallidal Pathway. A Possible Substrate for Tourette Syndrome. Basic 1994 MA MIT Moratalla, Rosario, PhD
Disentangling Neuroanatomic Changes over time by a 5-Year Follow-up Neuroimaging Study of a Large Clinical Cohort of Children and Young Adults with TS Clinical 2010-2011 Foreign Glostrup University Hospital Denmark Debes, Nanette Mol, MD, PhD
Disruption of Tic Expression Using Closed Loop Deep Brain Stimulation Basic 2011-2012 Foreign Bar-Ilan University Israel Bar-Gad, Izhar, PhD
Dissecting the Neurobiology of Tourette Syndrome: Synaptic Neurotransmission, Immune Complexes and Gene Expression in Postmortem Brain Tissue Basic 2001-2002 MD Johns Hopkins University Singer, Harvey, MD
Dissemination of Habit Reversal Therapy to Occupational Therapists: A Feasibility Study Clinical 2013-2014 NY Weill Medical College of Cornell University Bennett, Shannon M., PhD
DNA Linkage Analysis of Familial Tourette Syndrome Basic 1985 NY University of Rochester Kurlan, Roger, MD
Do defects in synaptic plasticity underlie OCD-like Behaviors in a Novel Mouse Model? Basic 2008-2009 NC Duke University Medical Center Calakos, Nicole, MD, PhD
Dopamine -Stimulated Phosphoinositide Metabolism and Striatal Foundation Basic 1991 PA Medical College of Pennsylvania Undie, Ashiwel, PhD
Dopamine Receptors and Dopamine Uptake Sites in TS: Post-Mortem Autoradiographic Studies in Human Brain Basic 1990 UT University of Utah Filloux, Francis, MD
Dopamine Uptake Site Binding: A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Study with [11C]WIN 35,428 Clinical 1992 MD Johns Hopkins Hospital Wong, Dean, MD, PhD
Dopaminergic Control of GAD Gene Expression in the Basal Ganglia Clinical 1988 PA Medical College of Pennsylvania Chesselet, M.F., MD, PhD
Dopaminergic Effects on Cortical Function in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2008-2009 WI Marquette University Campbell, Meghan, PhD
Dopaminergic Effects on the Integration of Motor and Affective-Related Inputs to the Nucleus Accumbens Clinical 1995 PA University of Pittsburgh O'Donnell, Patricio, MD, PhD
Dopaminergic Effects on the Integration of Motor-and Affective-Related Inputs to the Nucleus Accumbems Clinical 1996 PA University of Pittsburgh O'Donnell, Patricio, MD, PhD
Dopaminergic Modulation of Calcium Currents in Amygdaloid Pyramidal Neurons Basic 1999-2000 TN University of Tennessee Foehring, Robert, PhD
Dopaminergic Modulation of Noradrenergic Function: The Role of Mesocoeruleo Projection System Clinical 1985 CT Yale University Deutch, Ariel, PhD
Dopaminergic Modulation of Orbitofrontal Cortex Neuronal Activity In Vivo Basic 2008-2009 PA University of Pittsburgh McCracken, Clinton B., PhD
Dopaminergic Neuromodulators for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1986 IL Hines Hospital Fields, Jeremy, MD
Dopaminergic Transmission and Striatal Long Term Synaptic Depression Basic 1997 TN Vanderbilt University Lovinger, David, PhD
Dopaminoceptive Neurons in Cingulate Cortex Clinical 1987 NY The Rockefeller University Ouimet, Charles, PhD
Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Comparison of Haloperidol, Pimozide, and Placebo in Children with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1985 PA University of Pittsburgh Sallee, Floyd, MD
Dynamic Neuroimaging and Electrophysiological Studies of Motor Function in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1993 MD Nat'l. Inst. On Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, NIH Braun, Allen, MD
Dynamics od Striatal Microcircuits during Action Selection and Inhibition Basic 2007-2008 MI University of Michigan Berke, Joshua, PhD
Dynamics of Corticostriatal Regulation of Repetitive Stereotypical Movements Basic 2006-2007 PA University of Pittsburgh Homayoun, Houman, MD
Dynamics of Corticostriatal Regulation of Repetitive Stereotypical Movements Basic 2005-2006 PA University of Pittsburgh Homayoun, Houman, MD
Dynamics of Striatal Microcircuits during Action Selection and Inhibition Basic 2006-2007 MI University of Michigan Berke, Joshua, PhD
Dynorphin and other Basal Ganglia Transmitter Systems in TS: An Immuno-histochemical in in situ Hybridization Study Basic 1987 NY University of Rochester Haber, Suzanne N., PhD
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation in Rats Selectively Bred for Deficient Prepulse Inhibition, An Endophenotype for Tourette’s Syndrome Basic 2010-2011 Foreign Hannover Medical School Germany Schwabe, Kerstin, PhD
Effects of Dopaminergic Drugs and Cortical Stimulation on the Dye-Coupling in Adult Striatum: Possible Revelance to TS Treatment Basic 1991 PA University of Pittsburgh Onn, Shao-Pii, PhD
Effects of Neonatal Dopamine Depletion and Neuroleptic Treatment of Dopamine D2 Receptor Systems Basic 1991 NY University of Rochester Gelbard, Harris, MD, PhD
Efficacy of Habit Reversal for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1997 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Wilhelm, Sabine, PhD
Electrophysiological Analysis of Serotonergic Afferent Regulation of Subpopulations of DA Neurons Clinical 1990 MI Sinai Research Institute Chiodo, Louis, PhD
Electrophysiological Study of Motor Control Processes in Tourette Children Clinical 1993 Foreign Hopital Sainte-Justine Canada Lussier, Francine, PhD
Elevated Kynurenine in Tourette Syndrome basic 1994 Foreign Birmingham University UK Handley, Sheila, PhD
Elucidation of the Underlying Causes of Tourette’s Syndrome Through Genetic Analysis of Forebrain Development Basic 2000-2001 CA University of California Dye, Catherine, PhD
Endogenous and Behavioral Markers of Circadian Rhythmicity in Adults with Persistent Tic Disorders: A Pilot Investigation basic 2016 California UCLA Emily Ricketts, Ph.D.
Endogenous Cannabinoids in Basal Ganglia and their Potential Participation in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1999-2000 CA University of California Piomelli, Daniele, PhD
Establishing of Permanent Cell Lines of the Use of Genetics Studies on Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Basic 1992 Foreign Erasmus University The Netherlands Oostra, Ben, PhD
Evaluating Dissemination Strategies for habit Reversal Training: Initial Development and Testing of a Telehealth Approach Clinical 2008-2009 ND University of North Dakota Himle, Michael, PhD
Evaluating the rehability and Validity of a Videotaped Observation System for Tics Associated with Tourette Syndrome: A Cross -Condition, Multisite Investigation Clinical 2002-2003 CA University of California Piacentini, John, PhD
Evaluating the rehability and Validity of a Videotaped Observation System for Tics Associated with Tourette Syndrome: A Cross -Condition, Multisite Investigation Basic 2002-2003 WI University of Wisconsin Woods, Douglas, PhD
Evaluating the reliability and validity of a videotaped observation system for tics associated with TS: A Cross Condition, Multi-Site Investigation Clinical 2003-2004 CA University of California Piacentini, John, PhD
Evaluation of Prenatal and Perinatal Risk Factors for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders in a Large, Prospective, Population-based Cohort Clinical 2009-2010 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Scharf, Jeremiah, MD, PhD
Evaluation of Prenatal and Perinatal Risk Factors for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders in a Large, Prospective, Population-based Cohort Clinical 2010-2011 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Scharf, Jeremiah, MD, PhD
Evaluation of the Role of a Cholinergic Agonist in the Potentiating Neuroleptic Response in Animals and Tourette Patients Basic 1989 OH University of Cincinnati Sanberg, Paul, PhD
Expedited Therapeutic Outcomes for Habit Reversal Training for Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders basic 2015 California University of California, Los Angeles Joseph Frank McGuire, Ph.D.
Expedited Therapeutic Outcomes for Habit Reversal Training for Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders Clinical 2015-2016 CA University of California McGuire, Joseph Frank, PhD
Extinction Learning in Youth with Tourette’s Disorder basic 2019 Maryland Johns Hopkins University Joey Ka-Yee Essoe, Ph.D.
Eye/ Hand Coordination in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1999-2000 Foreign Queens University Canada Munoz, Douglas, PhD
FAAH Inhibitor Trial for Adults with Tourette Syndrome Basic 2014-2015 CT Yale University Child Study Center and Dept of Psychiatry Bloch, Michael H, MD, PhD
Family -Based Association Study of Tourette Syndrome Patients and their relatives Basic 2005-2006 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Scharf, Jeremiah, MD, PhD
Feedforward Inhibitory Regulation of Basal Ganglia Output and its Relation to Circuit Dysfunction in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2010-2011 CA University of California Gittis, Aryn H., PhD
Finding Tics in the Community without putting a doctor on every corner Clinical 2008-2009 MO Washington University Black, Kevin, MD
Fine Mapping of 17q25 as a Candidate Susceptibility Region for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2003-2004 CT Yale University Paschou, Peristera, PhD
Fine Mapping of 17q25 as a Candidate Susceptibility Region for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2004-2005 CT Yale University Paschou, Peristera, PhD
Finnish Prenatal Study of Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders (FIPS-TIC) Clinical 2014-2015 Foreign University of Turku Finland Sourander, Andre Leif, MD, PhD
Fluoxetine in the Treatment of TS Clinical 1988 CT Yale Child Study Center Riddle, Mark, MD
FMRI Study of the Regional Brain Activations Associated with Motor Tics in TS Clinical 2003-2004 CT Yale University Hampson, Michelle, PhD
Follow-up Study: Genomic Regions of Particular Interest Basic 1999-2000 CT Yale University Kidd, Kenneth, PhD
Frontal Cortex Neural Activation during Motor Inhibition in Tourette Syndrome as a basis for Individualized, Frequency-Based Therapeutic Neuromodulation clinical 2020 Ohio Cincinatti Children's Hospital Medical Center Alonso Zea Vera, MD
Frontline Home-based CBIT Treatment Program basic 2016 Maryland Johns Hopkins University Harvey Singer, Ph.D.
Fronto-striatal Connectivity in Tourette Syndrome Patients: The Relationship between Aberrant Structure and Function Clinical 2014-2015 SC Medical University of South Carolina Hanlon, Colleen A, PhD
Functional and Structural Properties of Distinct Subpopulations of Striatal Neurons: Relation to the Pathophysiology of TS Clinical 1991 PA University of Pittsburgh Nisenbaum, Eric, PhD
Functional Connectivity in Tourette Syndrome: A Pilot Study Clinical 2008-2009 NY New York University Castellanos, F. Xavier, MD
Functional Connectivity of executive Control Networks in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2007-2008 MO Washington University Schlaggar, Bradley, MD, PhD
Functional Connectivity of Executive Control Networks in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2008-2009 MO Washington University Schlaggar, Bradley, MD, PhD
Functional Effects of Cholinergic Striatal Interneurons Optogenetic Inhibition: Implication in Tourette Syndrome’s Symptomatology Basic 2013-2014 NJ Rutgers University, Newark, NJ Lopez, Sebastien N., PhD
Functional Evaluation of SLITRK1 in Neurons (2nd year) Basic 2009-2010 NY Columbia University Grice, Dorothy, MD
Functional Evaluation of SLITRK1 Mutations Basic 2007-2008 NY Grice, Dorothy, MD
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Motor Tics, Motor Response Preparation and Response Inhibition in Children with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2001-2002 MD Kennedy Krieger Institute Mostofsky, Stewart, MD
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Motor Tics, Motor Response Preparation and Response Inhibition in Children with TS Clinical 2002-2003 MD Kennedy Krieger Institute Mostofsky, Stewart, MD
Functional Neuroimaging study of Prepulse Inhibition in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2005-2006 CT Yale Child Study Center Crowley, Michael, PhD
Funded Studies for Animal Model Development Basic 2005-2006 TX University of Texas Bibb, James, PhD
Funded Studies for Animal Model Development Basic 2005-2006 Foreign Cardiff University UK Killcross, Simon, PhD
Funded Studies for Animal Model Development Basic 2005-2006 CT Yale University Taylor, Jane, PhD
Further Studies on Autoimmune Mechanisms in Tourette Syndrome and Relates Neuropsychiatric Disorders Clinical 2000-2001 NY Cornell University Medical Center Trifiletti, Rosario, MD, PhD
Gender Dfferences in Dopamine Receptors Implications for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1997 MA Harvard Medical School Anderson, Susan, PhD
Gene Discovery in Tourette Syndrome through Homozygosity Mapping of Consanguineous Pedigrees Basic 2005-2006 CT Yale Child Study Center State, Matthew, MD, PhD
Gene Expression Profiling in Blood in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome Basic 2004-2005 OH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Gilbert, Donald, MD
Genetic and Molecular Determinants of Striatal Neurogenesis Basic 1999-2000 CA University of California Yun, Kyuson, PhD
Genetic and Molecular Regulation of Striatal Neurogenesis Basic 1998 CA University of California Yun, Kyuson, PhD
Genetic Linkage Studies of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1991 CT Yale University Kidd, Kenneth, PhD
Genetic Linkage Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Basic 1994 Foreign The Hospital for Sick Children Canada Tsui, Lap-Chee, PhD
Genetic Project Gilles de la Tourette English Pedigree Basic 1988 Foreign Univ. College & Middlesex Hosp. England Robertson, Mary, MD
Genetics of Tourette Syndrome- The Southern and Eastern Europe Initiative Basic 2008-2009 Foreign Democritus University of Thrace Greece Paschou, Peristera, PhD
Genotype and Phenotype Analysis in Large Extended Pedigrees with Tourette Syndrome and/or Tics Basic 2010-2011 UT University of Utah Lyon, Gholson J., MD, PhD
Gilles de la Tourette and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Childhood: A Community Based Study Clinical 1996 Foreign University College of London UK Zeitlin, Professor Harry
Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Childhood-A Community Based Epidemiological and Family Study Clinical 1994 Foreign University College of London UK Eapen, Valsamma, MBBS, DPM, MR
Glutamate Receptor Regulation Following Chronic Exposure to Neuroleptic Agents Used in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Clinical 1995 NY University of Rochester McCoy, Lance, MD
Habit reveral for Tourette’s Disorder-Multimodal Assessment of Change Clinical 2000-2001 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Deckersbach, Thilo, PhD
Habit Reversal for Tourette’s Disorder Multimodal Assessment of Change – Year 2 Clinical 2001-2002 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Deckersbach, Thilo, PhD
Haloperidol-Sensitive Ion Channels in Rat Corpus Striatum Neurons Basic 1990 MA Northeastern University Freedman, Jonathan, PhD
Histamine Regulation of Brain-immune Interactions in an Animal Model of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2013-2014 CT Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT Frick, Luciana, R., PhD
How Do Alterations in Brain Chemistry in Tourette Syndrome Contribute to the Occurrence and Control of Tics basic 2018 Foreign Nottingham University Stephen Jackson, Ph.D.
HRT and ACT for Chronic Tic Disorders: A Pilot Project Clinical 2006-2007 NC Duke University Medical Center Compton, Scott, PhD
Identification and Characterization of Asymmetrically Expressed Genes in the Human Cortex Basic 2006-2007 University of California Abrahams, Brett, PhD
Identification and Characterization of Genes Involved in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2007-2008 Foreign Universite de Montreal Canada Rouleau, Guy, MD, PhD
Identification of Genes Predisposing to TS in the French Canadian Population Basic 2005-2006 Foreign University of Montreal Canada Rouleau, Guy, MD, PhD
Identification of Novel Proteins Involved in Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Basic 2003-2004 TX Southwestern Medical Center Bibb, James, PhD
Identification of Proteins Involved in Tourette Syndrome-Year 2 Basic 2004-2005 TX University of Texas Bibb, James, PhD
Identification of the Gene Disrupted by a Chromosomal Breakpoint in two Unrelated Families Basic 2003-2004 FL Roscamp Institute Crawford, Fiona, PhD
Imaging Cognitive Motor Control in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2009-2010 CT Yale University Li, Chiang-shan Ray, MD, PhD
Imaging Cognitive Motor Control in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2010-2011 CT Yale University Li, Chiang-shan Ray, MD, PhD
Imaging Endogenously Controlled Dopamine Release: A Pilot Study Clinical 2003-2004 WA Washington State University Black, Kevin, MD
Imaging Levodopa-Stimulated Striatal Dopamine Release Clinical 2005-2006 MO Washington University Black, Kevin, MD
Imaging of Tic Neural Substrate in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1996 CT Yale School of Medicine Peterson, Bradley, MD
Immune Factors in Tourette Syndrome: Clarifying the effect of Microinfused Sera from Children Basic 2002-2003 MD Johns Hopkins Hospital Singer, Harvey, MD
Immunocytochemical Localization of Dyskinesia -Inducing Tourette IgG in the Striatum Basic 2001-2002 RI Brown University Hallett, Joseph, MD
Immunological Alterations in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1998 CT Yale University Bessen, Debra, PhD
Impaired Response Inhibition and Tourette Syndrome-Like Behavioral Phenotype in Hyperdopaminergic Mice Basic 2001-2002 IL University of Chicago Zhuang, Xiaoxi, PhD
Implication of Striatal Dopamine D2 Receptors in Inhibitory Control and Habit Learning: A Tissue-Specific D2 Knockout Approach Basic 2003-2004 IL University of Chicago Cagniard, Barbara, PhD
Improving Tic-related Response Inhibition: Comparing the Effects of Methylphenidate to Placebo in Children & Adolescents with ADHD and Chronic Tic Disorders (2nd year) Clinical 2009-2010 NY New York University Coffey, Barbara,MD, MS
Improving Tic-related Response Inhibition: Comparing the effects of Methylphenidate to Placebo in Children and Adolescents with ADHD and Chronic Tic Disorders Clinical 2008-2009 WI University of Wisconsin Woods, Douglas, PhD
In Vitro Study of ADHD Treatment Impacts on Dopamine Neurons: Modulation of Neurotransmitter Sensitivity after Chronic Activation of the D2 Dopamine Autoreceptor Basic 2008-2009 Foreign University of Montreal Canada Fasano, Caroline, PhD
In Vivo Imaging of Serotonin Receptors in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2000-2001 MD Johns Hopkins University Wong, Dean, MD, PhD
In Vivo Striatal Fast Spiking Interneuron Suppression Using Optogenetic Techniques Basic 2010-2011 MI University of Michigan Leventhal, Daniel, MD, PhD
In Vivo Striatal Fast Spiking Interneuron Suppression Using Optogenetic Techniques Basic 2011-2012 MI University of Michigan Berke, Joshua, PhD
Incorporating TeleCBIT into a Hospital-based Tic Clinic basic 2016 California San Jose State University Matt Capriotti, Ph.D.
Indentification of a Tourette Syndrome Association Gene in Mice (2nd year) Basic 2009-2010 NY Albert Einstein Hebert, Jean, PhD
Induction of Subthalamic Dysfunction by Tourette Antibodies and Anti-Rheumatogenic-M-Protein Antibodies: Development of a Rodent Model of Neuronal Dysfunction Basic 2000-2001 RI Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Harling-Berg, Christine, PhD
Influence of OCD and ADHD on Novel MRI Techniques (VBM, TI and DTI) in Patients with and without TS Clinical 2005-2006 Foreign Medical School of Hannover Germany Muller-Vahl, Kirsten, MD
Influence of Serotonin on the Synthesis of Striatal Neuropeptides Clinical 1991 NJ Rutgers University Riley, Leigh, PhD
Influence of Serotonin on the Synthesis of Substance P and Acetylcholine in the Neostriatum Basic 1990 NJ Rutgers University Riley, Leigh, PhD
Inhibitory Interneurons in the Cerebral Cortex of Tourette Syndrome (year 2) Basic 2005-2006 CT Yale Child Study Center Vaccarino, Flora, MD
Inhibitory Interneurons in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2006-2007 CT Yale Child Study Center Vaccarino, Flora, MD
Integrating TS Genetics into the Psychiatric Genetics Consortium (PGC) basic 2016 Massachusetts Massachusetts General Hospital Jaremiah Scharf, MD., Ph.D.
Integrative Genetic Approaches to Rare Variant Discovery in Co-morbid OCD and Tic Disorder Basic 2011-2012 CA University of California Nurmi, Erika L., MD, PhD
Interaction of the Dopaminergic and GABAergic Systems in the Formation of Tics Basic 2013-2014 Foreign Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Bar-Gad, Izhar, PhD
Interactions of Adenosine and Dopamine in Basal Ganglia: Potential Substrates for Novel Therapeutic Strategies in TS Basic 1997 VA University of Virginia Rosin, Diane, PhD
Interactions of Adenosine and Dopamine in Basal Ganglia: Potential Substrates for Novel Therapeutic Strategies in TS Basic 1998 VA University of Virginia Rosin, Diane, PhD
Interactions of the Histamine and Dopamine Systems in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2014-2015 CA University of California Chung, Shinjae, PhD
Interneuron deficit and Functional Compartments of the Striatum in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2009-2010 CT Yale University Vaccarino, Flora, MD
Intrasynaptic Dopamine Release in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1996 MD Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Szymanski, Sally, DO
Investigating mechanisms of TS in children: A decision-neuroscience and multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study basic 2019 Foreign University of New South Wales Iain Perkes, Ph.D.
Investigating the Feasibility, Acceptability and Initial Efficacy of a Comprehensive Transdiagnostic Treatment for Comorbidity in Tourette Disorder basic 2016 Utah University of Salt Lake City Michael Himle, Ph.D.
Investigating the Feasibility, Acceptability and Initial Efficacy of a Comprehensive Transdiagnostic Treatment for Comorbidity in Tourette Disorder basic 2016 Florida University of South Florida Adam Lewin, Ph.D.
Investigating the Neural Circuitry of Sensorimotor Gating Abnormalities in Tourette’s Using an Animal Model of Juvenile/Adolescent Prepulse Inhibition Deficits Basic 2012-2013 WI University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Bakshi, Vaishali, PhD
Investigation of Neural Mechanisms in the Basal Ganglia and Prefrontal Cortex Underlying the Acquisition of Behavior Guiding Rules Basic 2002-2003 MA MIT Pasupathy, Anitha, PhD
Investigation of Neural Mechanisms in the Basal Ganglia and Prefrontal Cortex underlying the Acquisition of Behavior Guiding Rules Basic 2003-2004 MA MIT Pasupathy, Anitha, PhD
Is Procedural Memory Enhanced in Tourette Syndrome? basic 2017 District Of Columbia Georgetown University Michael Ullman, Ph.D.
Is There a Global or a Specific Frontal Lobe Deficit in Tourette Syndrome? Clinical 1994 Foreign Institute of Psychiatry England Baron-Cohen, Simon, MD
Kv3 Potassium Channels and Toureete Syndrome Basic 2007-2008 TX University of Texas Joho, Rolf, PhD
La Medida de Tics en Espanol: The Translation and Validation of Tourette Syndrome measures into Spanish Clinical 2006-2007 TX University of Texas Peterson, Alan, PhD
Leveraging breakthroughs in gene discovery to better understand the neuropathology of Tourette Syndrome clinical 2019 Alabama University of California, San Francisco Jeremy Willsey, PhD
Leveraging Nrxn1a mouse models to isolate TS-relevant striatal dysfunction basic 2019 Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Marc Fuccillo, Ph.D.
Linkage Analysis of Tourette Syndrome: Clinical Aspects Basic 1990 NY University of Rochester Kurlan, Roger, MD
Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1996 CA University of California DeMille, Mellissa M.C., PhD
Linkage Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Gene(s) Using Microsatellite DNA Polymorphisms Basic 1990 WI Marshfield Med. Research Fdn. Weber, James, MD
Linkage Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Gene(s) Using Microsatellite DNA Polymorphisms Basic 1991 WI Marshfield Med. Research Fdn. Weber, James, MD
Linkage Studies in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1989 UT University of Utah McMahon, William, MD
Living with Tics: Development and Pilot Examination of a Psychosocial Treatment to Improve Resilience and Coping in Youth with Tics Clinical 2009-2010 FL University of South Florida Storch, Eric, PhD
Localization and Regulation of cAMP Phosphodiesterases in Dopamine Receptor-Expressing Neurons and the Possible Relevance for Tourette Syndrome Basic 1997 MA Boston University Cherry, James, PhD
Longitudinal Objective Assessment of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1995 IL Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med. Ctr. Pappert, Eric, MD
M4 PAMs as Potential Therapeutic Agents in Treatment of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2013-2014 TN Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN Xiang, Zixlu, PhD
Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Gene(s) Using a New Class of Informative DNA Polymorphisms Basic 1989 WI Marshfield Med. Research Fdn. Weber, James, MD
Measurement of Glutamate and GABA in Motor Pathways: A 1H-MRS at 7 Telsa Study Clinical 2013-2014 MD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Singer, Harvey S., MD
Medication-Induced Changes in Brain Function in Children with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2008-2009 MO Washington University Church, Jessica, PhD
Memory Systems Analysis in Adults with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1992 IL Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med. Ctr. Stebbins, Glenn, PhD
Menstrual Related Fluctuations in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1996 IL Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med. Ctr Kompoliti, Katie, MD
Metabolic Pathology of Tourette Syndrome: Studies with Positron Emission Tomography Clinical 1992 NY North Shore University Hospital Eidelberg, David, MD
Methylphenidate Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Boys with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1989 NY State University of New York Sverd, Jeffrey, MD
Mice Lacking Autoreceptor-mediated Control of Dopamine Transmission as an Animal Model for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2012-2013 Foreign Institute for Investigations in Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Argentina Rubinstein, Marcelo, PhD
Microglia in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2013-2014 FL University of Florida Streit, Wolfgang J., PhD
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorder: A Pilot Study Clinical 2011-2012 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Reese, Hannah E., PhD
Modeling a Tourette’s-related Human Development Disorder in Mice with Nerve Growth Factor-related Gene Mutations basic 2016 Kansas University of Kansas Medical Center Kenneth McCarson, Ph.D.
Modulation by Nitric Oxide of Dopamine Neuronal Excitability in Rat Basic 1995 OR Oregon Health Sciences University Cox, Barbara, PhD
Modulation of Striatal Neural Activity by Nitric Oxide and Dopamine: Implications for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2000-2001 PA University of Pittsburgh West, Anthony, PhD
Molecular Adaptations to Cholinergic Interneuron Ablation in a Novel Mouse Model of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2011-2012 CT Yale University Xu, Meiyu, PhD
Molecular Biology Studies of Historically Neglected Central D2 Dopamine Receptors Clinical 1990 FL University of Florida MacLennan, A. John, PhD
Molecular Cloning of the D-1 Receptor Basic 1989 MA Harvard Medical School Fink, J. Stephen, MD, PhD
Molecular Control of Inhibition in D1-MSNs in Tourette Syndrome Basic 2014-2015 MD University of Maryland School of Medicine Lobo, Mary K, PhD
Molecular Genetic Studies of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1988 CT Yale School of Medicine Kidd, Kenneth, PhD
Molecular Genetic Studies of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1989 CT Yale School Of Medicine Kidd, Kenneth, PhD
Molecular Genetics of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1984 CA City of Hope Medical Center Comings, David, MD
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Interneuron Expression of Parvalbumin Basic 2006-2007 MD University of Maryland Powell, Elizabeth, PhD
Molecular Regulation of the Corticostriatal Circuits by the Forkhead P Genes Basic 2004-2005 CT Yale University Sestan, Nenad, MD, PhD
Morphological Abnormalities of the Thalamus and Basal Ganglia in Tourette Syndrome by Computational Anatomy Clinical 2004-2005 MO Washington University Wang, Lei, PhD
Motor System Excitability in Tourette Syndrome: Developmental Aspects and Comorbid Obessive -Compulsive Disorder Clinical 2002-2003 Foreign Georg-August Universitat Germany Rothenberger, Dr. A.
Motor Tics in Rodents as a Model of the Tics of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1989 Foreign Aston University UK Handley, Sheila, PhD
Movement and Attention Dysfunctions in Patients with Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Comorbid Forms Clinical 1999-2000 Foreign Monash University Australia Georgiou-Karistianis, Nellie, PhD
Multi-dimensional Analyses of the Limbic Vocal Tic Network and its Modulation via Voltammetry Controlled High-frequency Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens basic 2017 Foreign Riken Kevin McCairn, Ph.D.
Network Architecture of the Brain in Tourette Syndrome and its Phenotypic Subgroups basic 2015 Missouri Washington University Deanna Jacquelyn Greene
Network Architecture of the Brain in Tourette Syndrome and Its Phenotypic Subgroups Clinical 2015-2016 MO Washington University School of Medicine Greene, Deanna Jacquelyn, PhD
Neural Coding of Motor Sequences in the Basal Ganglia: Effects of Dopaminergic Modulation Basic 2007-2008 MI University of Michigan Aldridge, J. Wayne, PhD
Neural Correlates of Behavior Therapy in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2006-2007 MA Harvard Medical School Deckersbach, Thilo, PhD
Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Control and Reward-based Learning in Unmedicated Children with Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2010-2011 CA University of California Bunge, Silvia A., PhD
Neural Mechanisms of Self-Control Basic 2010-2011 NC Duke University Hayden, Benjamin Yost, PhD
Neural Mechanisms of Sensitization-induced Tic-like movements (2nd year) Basic 2008-2009 MI University of Michigan Aldridge, J. Wayne, PhD
Neuroanatomical Correlates of Tourette Syndrome lgG Induced Dyskinesias in Rats Basic 1997 RI Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Hallett, Joseph, MD
Neuroanatomical Studies of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2004-2005 CT Yale Child Study Center Vaccarino, Flora, MD
Neurobehavioral Problems In Tourette Sydrome: Evaluating a Multimodal Group Treatment for Children and their Parents Clinical 2005-2006 Foreign Toronto Western Hospital Canada Epstein, Trina, Psy.D, C.Psych
Neurocognitive Predictors and Neural Correlates of Behavior Therapy for Tourette Syndrome basic 2017 California UCLA Joseph McGuire
Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities in the Indirect Basal Ganglia Pathway in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1998 CT Yale Child Study Center Vaccarino, Flora, MD
Neuroimaging studies of the Amygdala and Hippocampus in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2001-2002 CT Yale University Peterson, Bradley, MD
Neuroleptic-Free Summer Vacations in School Aged GTS Patients Clinical 1991 IL Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med. Ctr Comella, Cynthia, MD
Neuronal Network Activity in Models of Tourette-Like Repetitive Movements: An Ensemble Recording Study in Rat Striatum Basic 1997 CT Yale University Kutoba, Yasuo, PhD
Neurophysiologic Basis of Disease Onset and Symptom Severity in Persons with TS: A Study Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Clinical 2002-2003 OH Children's Hospital Medical Center Gilbert, Donald, MD
Neurophysiological Alterations in the Striatum of the Stargazer Rat: An animal model of Tourette Syndrome Basic 1999-2000 CA University of California Flores-Hernandez, Jorge L.V.
Neurophysiological Basis of Response Inhibition in Corticostriatal Systems Clinical 2004-2005 CT Yale University Laubach, Mark, PhD
Neurophysiological Recordings from the Centromedian Parafascicular Nuclei in Patients with Tourette Syndrome Undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation Clinical 2007-2008 Foreign University of Milan Medical School Italy Priori, Alberto, MD, PhD
Neurophysiology and Treatment of Tics in Tourette Syndrome: An fMRI-guided Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Basic 2011-2012 OH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Wu, Steve Wei, MD
Neuroplasticity in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2010-2011 OH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Wu, Steve Wei, MD
Nigrostriatal Dopamine: Synaptic and Nonsynaptic Actions Clinical 1992 PA University of Pittsburgh Bernath, Sandor, PhD
Non-Genetic Factors Associated with Expression of TS in Vulnerable Individuals: A pilot study of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for TS Clinical 1985 CT Yale University Leckman, James, MD
Non-pharmacologic Treatment of Tics in Tourette Syndrome – A Preliminary Study Clinical 1992 MD Johns Hopkins Hospital Singer, Harvey, MD
Normal Control Postmortem Brain Collection Basic 1999-2000 CT Yale University Howe, Christine, PhD
Novel D3 Receptor Compounds for the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome (TS): a combined In Vivo and In Vitro Approach Basic 2009-2010 CA University of California Weber, Martin, PhD
Novel D3 Receptor Compunds for the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome: A combined In Vivo and In Vitro Approach Basic 2008-2009 CA University of California Weber, Martin, PhD
Online Mindfulness-based Tic Reduction: Development and Testing basic 2017 Maine Bowdoin College Hannah Reese
Opiate Agonist and Antagonist Therapy in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1987 NY University of Rochester Majumdar, Lisa, MD
Patch Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Genes Basic 1994 WI Marshfield Med. Research Fdn. Weber, James, MD
Pathophysiological Markers in the ‘Pre-Tourette’ Population Clinical 2010-2011 MO Washington University Greene, Deanna Jacquelyn, PhD
Pathophysiological Markers in the Pre-Tourette Population Clinical 2012-2013 MO Washington University Greene, Deanna Jacquelyn, PhD
Pathophysiology of TS: Biochemical and Immunocytochemical Analysis of the Human Brain with Reference to the Pathology of TS Basic 1986 MA MIT Hirsch, Etienne, MD
Pattern Formation in organotypic Cultures of Normal and Developmentally Disruptive Striatum Basic 2002-2003 NY Department of Health Snyder-Keller, Abigail, PhD
Peer Relations, Social Adjustment and Family Functioning in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1992 Foreign IWK Children's Hospital Canada Bawden, Harry, PhD
Pendunculopontine Influence of identified Subpopulations of Mesencephalic Dopamine Neurons Basic 1993 MI Sinai Hospital of Detroit Kelland, Mark, PhD
Perturbations in Early Striatal Development as a Basis for Later Neurological Dysfunction Basic 1989 NY NYS Dept. of Health Snyder-Keller, Abigail, PhD
PET and Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1989 CA UCLA Neuropsychiatric Inst. Guze, Barry, MD
Physiologic Approach to Human Tics – Tic Detector basic 2018 Florida University of Florida, Gainesville Wissam Deeb, MD.
Physiological Analysis of Cortico-Basal Ganglia Loops during Repetitive Movements Basic 2006-2007 MA MIT Ninokura, Yoshihisa, PhD
Pilot Study of DNA Linkage Analysis in Familial Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1984 NY University of Rochester Med. Cntr. Kurlan, Roger, MD
Pilot Study to Evaluate Feasibility of a Novel Voluntary Movement Suppression Paradigm using Real-time Motor Physiological Feedback in Children with TS basic 2016 Ohio Cincinatti Children's Hospital Medical Center Donald Gilbert, M.D., M.S.
Pilot Study: Proportion of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black Children with Tics in Rochester, New York Clinical 2010-2011 NY University of Rochester Augustine, Erika F., MD
Plasma Homovanillic Acid levels following Debrisoquin Loading Before and After Treatment with Clonidine and Haloperidol Clinical 1984 CT Yale Child Study Center Leckman, James, MD
Plasticity and Cortical Excitability in Tourette Syndrome: Response to Therapy and Natural History Clinical 2012-2013 Foreign University College of London UK Rothwell, John C., PhD
Plasticity and Motor Cortial Excitability in Tourette’s Syndrome: Response to Therapy and Natural History Clinical 2010-2011 Foreign University College of London UK Rothwell, John C., PhD
Positron Emission Tomography Studies with NMB in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1998 MO Washington University Black, Kevin, MD
Possible Neuropathology Underlying TS: An Immuno-histochemical Study of the Striatopallidal Projection System Basic 1990 TN University of Tennessee Reiner, Anton, PhD
Potential Mechanisms Underlying Nicotine’s therapeutic effects in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1999-2000 Foreign McGill University Canada Clarke, Paul B. S., PhD
Pre and Perinatal Risk Factors for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2003-2004 Foreign University Hospital in Aarthus Denmark Dalsgaard, Soren, PhD
Precise Tracing and Manipulation of Striosomal Circuits Basic 2004-2005 GA Emory University Ciliax, Brian, PhD
Prevalence and Predictors of Psychiatric Co-morbidities in Tourette Syndrome Across the Lifespan Clinical 2011-2012 MA Brigham and Women's Hospital Lee, Paul Christopher, MD
Prevalence of TD and Tics Among a Community-recruited Sample of Adults from Haiti Clinical 2015-2016 FL University of Florida Striley, Catherine Woodstock, PhD
Probing Cortical-Striatal Circuitry in Tourette Syndrome Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical 1995 MA Massachusetts General Hospital Rauch, Scott, MD
prolonged Tic Suppression and Habituation to the Premonitory Urge Clinical 2008-2009 MD Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Specht, Matthew, PhD
Proof of Concept Study of an Oral Orthotic in Reducing Tic Severity in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2013-2014 NY Weill Medical College of Cornell University Walkup, John T., MD
Psychometic Standardization of the Tourette Syndrome Unified Rating Scale (TSURS) Clinical 1989 NY University of Rochester Como, Peter, PhD
Psychometric Assessment of the Unified Tic Severity Scale (UTSS) Clinical 1995 NY University of Rochester Como, Peter, PhD
Psychosocial Intervention for Young Children with Chronic Tics Clinical 2009-2010 CA University of California Piacentini, John, PhD
Pubertal Regulation of Frontostriatal Feedforward Inhibition: Implications for Adolescent Tic Remittance basic 2019 California UC Berkeley Kristen Delevich, Ph.D.
Qualitative Analysis of Approaches to Diagnosis and Management of Tourette Syndrome and Comorbid Disorders among General Pediatric Practitioners Clinical 1999-2000 MO Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital Zinner, Samuel, MD
Quantification of Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic reuptake Sites with PET and 11C-RTI 121 in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1995 Foreign Hammersmith Hospital England Brooks, Prof. David
Quantitative Immunocytochemical Study of GTS Patients Basic 1987 Foreign Hopital de la Pietie-Salpetriere France Hirsch, Etienne, MD
Random Mapping of Tourette Syndrome Using Hypervariable ‘minisatellite’ DNA probes Basic 1988 MO Washington University Devor, Eric, PhD
Random Mapping of Tourette Syndrome: Inclusion/ Exclusion of the G-Group Chromosomes Basic 1989 MO Washington University Devor, Eric, PhD
Random Mapping of Tourette Syndrome: Inclusion/Exclusion of the G-Group Chromosomes Basic 1990 MO Washington University Devor, Eric, PhD
Regulated Membrane Trafficking of Variant Dopamine Receptors Associated with Tourette Syndrome Basic 1997 CA University of California von Zastrow, Mark, MD, PhD
Regulation of Dopamine Receptor Subtypes and their Role in Brain Energy Metabolism Clinical 1984 MI University of Michigan Richfield, Eric, MD
Regulation of Dopamine Release in the Hyperactive Mouse Mutant Coloboma Basic 1997 PA Penn State University Hess, Ellen, PhD
Regulation of Gonadal Steroid and Oxytocin/ Vasopressin Receptors and Effector Systems in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1998 GA Emory University Ciliax, Brian, PhD
Regulation of Monoamine Transporters in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1997 GA Emory University Ciliax, Brian, PhD
Regulation of Substantia Nigra Function by GABAb Receptors Basic 2000-2001 GA Emory University Conn, P. Jeffrey, PhD
Reinforcement Learning and Motor Biases in Children with Tourette Syndrome Basic 2011-2012 NY Columbia University Maia, Tiago Vaz, PhD
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Treatment for Patients with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2000-2001 Foreign University College of London UK Muenchau, Dr. Alexander
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Treatment for Patients with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2001-2002 Foreign University College of London UK Robertson, Mary, MD
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Adults with Severe Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2007-2008 CT Yale University Leckman, James, MD
Reversing Tics and Compulsions by Supercharging Striatal Microglia Basic 2011-2012 MN University of Minnesota Burton, Frank, PhD
Risperidone in the Treatment of Tourette’s Syndrome Clinical 1995 IA University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Gaffney, Gary, MD
Risperidone in the Treatment of Tourette’s Syndrome Clinical 1995 FL University of Florida Goodman, Wayne, MD
Role of 5-Alpha Reductase 2 and Androgens in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2013-2014 KS University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Bortolato, Marco, MD, PhD
Role of Alpha-2 Adrenorecptors in modulating Cortico-Striatal Activity Basic 2007-2008 SC Medical University of South Carolina Lavin, Antonieta, PhD
Role of Bacterial Superantigens in Tourette syndrome Clinical 1997 TN University of Tennessee Kotb, Malak, PhD
Role of Calcineurin in Striatal Neurotransmission and its Interaction with Dopamine Clinical 1987 NY Mount Sinai Medical Center Chung, Eunyong, PhD
Role of Common Chromosomal Rearrangements in Tourette Syndrome Etiology Basic 2005-2006 CA University of California Keen-Kim, Dianne, PhD
Role of Common Chromosomal Rearrangements in Tourette Syndrome Etiology (2nd year) Basic 2006-2007 CA University of California Keen-Kim, Dianne, PhD
Role of Group A Streptococcal Infections in TS and OCD Clinical 2005-2006 NY New York Medical College Bessen, Debra, PhD
Role of Substance P Neurons in the Regulation of mesocoeruleoprefrontal Cortical System: Sites of Interaction of Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Substance P Clinical 1986 CT Yale University Deutch, Ariel, PhD
Role of Thalamostriatal Projection in the Regulation of Striatal Neurochemistry and Behavior Clinical 2002-2003 NJ The State University of New Jersey Abercrombie, Elizabeth, PhD
Role of the Orbito Frontal Cortex and Midbrain Dopamine Neurons in Associative Learning from Reward Prediction Errors Clinical 2010-2011 MA MIT Ogawa, Masaaki, MD, PhD
Role of the Orbitofrontal Cortex and Midbrain Dopamine Neurons in Associative Learning from reward Prediction Errors Clinical 2009-2010 MD University of Maryland Ogawa, Masaaki. MD, PhD
Role of the Supplementary Motor Area in Tourette Syndrome Basic 1986 MD Johns Hopkins Lock, Thomas, MD
Saccadic System Functioning in Tourette’s Syndrome Clinical 1995 CA University of California Clementz, Brett, PhD
Search for Hereditary Factors in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Basic 1994 Foreign Erasmus University The Netherlands Oostra, Ben, PhD
Segregation Analysis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Chronic Multiple Tics and Tourette Syndrome Families Basic 1989 CA University of California Nicolini, Humberto, MD
Sensorimotor gating in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1993 CA University of California Swerdlow, Neal, MD, PhD
Sensorimotor Integration by Corticostriatal Circuits Clinical 1997 NC Bowman Gray Janak, Patricia, PhD
Sensorimotor Mechanisms of Stereotyped Movement: Striatal Dysfunction in tourette Syndrome Basic 1995 MI University of Michigan Aldridge, J. Wayne, PhD
Serotonin/ Dopamine Interactions in the Brain: Potential Revelance to Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1989 CT Yale University Rasmusson, Ann, MD
Single Nuclei Transcriptome Analysis of Human Striatal Interneurons in Tourette Syndrome basic 2018 Connecticut Yale University Liana Fasching, Ph.D.
Single Versus Combined Pharmacological Treatment of Youngsters with TS Plus Comorbid OCD-A Pilot Study Clinical 1997 MA McLean Hosp, Harvard Medical School Gellar, Daniel, MBBS, FRACP
Standardization of Diagnostic Methods for Tourette Syndrome Family Studies Basic 1988 NY University of Rochester Kurlan, Roger, MD
Stimulus-Response Encoding in the Nucleus Accumbens and its Modulation by Dopamine Basic 2009-2010 NY Albert Einstein McGinty, Vincent B., PhD
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Striatal Circuit Mechanisms for Tourette Syndrome Basic 2015-2016 NC Duke University Medical Center Ade, Kristen Kathleen, PhD
Striatal Dopaminergic Neurotransmission in Tourette Syndrome Clinical 1994 MI University of Michigan Kume, Akito, MD, PhD
Striatal Gene Expression and Behavioral Changes Driven by Hippocampal Stimulation:Regulation by Dopamine Basic 1998 MO Washington University Bardgett, Mark, PhD
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Study on Hereditary Factors in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in the Netherlands Basic 1987 Foreign University of Rotterdam The Netherlands van de Wetering, B.J.M., MD
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Substrates Regulating Basal Ganglia Circuit Formation and Motor Stereotypy Basic 2008-2009 DC Georgetown Univ. Kromer, Lawrence, PhD
Substrates Regulating Basal Ganglia Circuit Formulation and Motor Stereotypy (2nd year) Basic 2009-2010 DC Georgetown Univ. Kromer, Lawrence, PhD
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Synaptic Neurochemical Alterations in Tourette Syndrome: An In Vivo and Post-Mortem Analysis Basic 1984 MD Johns Hopkins University Singer, Harvey, MD
Synaptic Plasticity in Primary Motor Cortex and Brainstem in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Basic 2011-2012 Foreign Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy Berardelli, Alfredo, MD
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Thalamic Regulation of Basal Ganglia Circuitry Thalamostriatal System: A Potential Target for Surgical Therapy in Tourette Syndrome (2nd year) Basic 2007-2008 GA Emory University Smith, Yoland, PhD
The Affect of Haliperidol and Amphetamine on Trophic Relationships Potentially Relevant to TS Basic 1993 IL Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med. Ctr Carvey, Paul, PhD
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The Effects of Stimulant Drugs and Clonidine on Basal Ganglia Gene Expression Basic 1991 PA University of Pennsylvania Mercugliano, Marianne, MD
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The Efficacy of EEG Biofeedback for Tourette Syndrome Clinical 2001-2002 NY North Shore University Hospital Strohmayer, Alan, PhD
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The Impact of Neonatal Hypoxia on the Transcriptional Regulation of Basal Ganglia Development Basic 2012-2013 AL University of Alabama Cowell, Rita, PhD
The MCH System as a New Target for the Management of Tourette Syndrome Basic 2011-2012 CA University of California Civelli, Oliver, PhD
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