Controlled Trial of Transdermal Clonidine in TS

Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
Oregon Health Sciences University
Investigators Name
Gancher, Stephen, MD

Although oral clonidine is being increasingly used in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome, the need to take multiple doses of the drug throughout the day and the sedation experienced by some patients can limit the effectiveness of this drug. The purpose of this study is to determine whether clonidine patches, applied to the skin weekly, will enable children and adults with Tourette Syndrome to take higher doses of the medication, or to increase the consistency of dosing. This dosage form would be advantageous for school-aged children, who would not have to take a midday dose of medication. This study will also add to the increasing body of knowledge about the effectiveness, in general, of clonidine in treating Tourette Syndrome. Stephen T. Gancher, M.D. Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR Award: $4,500 Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 1986