The genetic research of the different groups collaborating in the GTS Gene Mapping Consortium is concentrating on systematic screening of the human genome for evidence of genetic linkage between the locus for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and DNA markers. From 12 different Dutch Tourette families blood has been sampled which is partly used for isolating DNA and partly frozen. During the last Workshop on Tourette Syndrome organized by the TSA, agreement has been reached over the use of a number of key families for genetic research by the collaborating groups. This means that DNA samples will be exchanged among the different laboratories. In the coming grant year we will set up a system to obtain a constant supply of DNA from all individuals who have been sampled. We will establish immortalized cell lines from the stored blood samples (427). When these samples are immortalized by the transformation with the Epstein Barr virus they can be used as an unlimited source of DNA. Instead of sampling the Tourette families again in the future, those cell lines can be grown up at any time and DNA can be isolated from the cells. This DNA can then be shared with the collaborating groups. The immortalized cell lines will be used as a source for DNA in the coming period. After linkage has been found (hopefully in the very near future), the next step in the genetic research will be the isolation of the gene responsible for the Syndrome. After the identification of the responsible gene and/or gene defect, biochemical studies will be set up to study the gene and gene function. These immortalized cell lines can be used for those studies to learn more about the genetic and biochemical defect causing the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. Ben A. Oostra, Ph.D. Erasmus University, The Netherlands Award $25,000 Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 1992
Establishing of Permanent Cell Lines of the Use of Genetics Studies on Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
Erasmus University The Netherlands
Investigators Name
Oostra, Ben, PhD