Fronto-striatal Connectivity in Tourette Syndrome Patients: The Relationship between Aberrant Structure and Function

Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
Medical University of South Carolina
Investigators Name
Hanlon, Colleen A, PhD

While motor tics are the most obvious manifestation of Tourette Syndrome (TS), tics are often precipitated by changes in the limbic system – including anxiety, arousal, and stress. Typically, motor and limbic control is modulated by distinct, parallel neural circuits. Our hypothesis is that TS patients have an incomplete segregation between the frontal-striatal circuits that govern limbic and motor control. This may be associated with changes in function (Aim 1) and structure (Aim 2) in these motor and limbic circuits. This ‘cross wiring’ hypothesis will be tested using functional neuroimaging and diffusion tensor imaging in adolescent TS patients and controls. Colleen A. Hanlon, Ph.D., Rebecca K. Lehman, M.D., Mark S. George, M.D., Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Award: $39,914 (Fellowship) Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 2014-2015