We plan to study the effectiveness of the atypical psycho-tropic medication risperidone. Risperidone has actions on the dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter systems. Because the dopamine system has been implicated in the tics of Tourette’s Syndrome, and the serotonin system in obsessive-compulsive disorder, we believe that a medication that may act on both systems could prove beneficial for TS patients. Therefore, we will evaluate 82 patients, diagnosed with TS, ages 13 to 40, in a ten-week double-blind study. In addition, risperidone also possesses other advantages over traditional medicines used to treat TS, such as fewer side effects than Haldol or Orap, less sedation, and fewer extrapyramidal side effects, i.e. stiffness, tremors, restlessness and lethargy. The TS subjects in this study will have the opportunity to be treated with a neuroleptic that causes significantly fewer side effects than the usual neuroleptic haloperidol. Gary R. Gaffney, M.D., Samuel Kuperman, M.D., Paul Perry, Ph.D. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA Award $25,000 Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 1995
Risperidone in the Treatment of Tourette’s Syndrome
Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Investigators Name
Gaffney, Gary, MD