Previously this investigator found that the number of specific sites in brain (receptors) that mediate the action of dopamine is normally different in adult male and female rats, and that estrogen has a profound effect on the number of these receptors. It seems likely that the male or female character of the brain dopamine system is determined during differentiation and maturation of brain cells which occurs during fetal and early postnatal development, and it is likely that sex hormones are important in this developmental process. Since estrogen can regulate the sensitivity of the dopamine receptor system in the mature animal it may also be a factor in determining the sensitivity set point during development. It is the purpose of this project to determine whether disturbances of estrogenic function, at an appropriate developmental stage, might produce a permanently sensitized dopamine system. This could be a means by which TS is induced and would be consistent with the early onset of TS, sexual preference and the involvement of dopamine in its pathophysiology. The results of this project should provide a better understanding of the developmental aspects of TS and may reveal an involvement of neuroendocrines in its pathophysiology. Jeanette C. Miller, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry New York University School of Medicine New York, NY Award: $13,409 Tourette Association of America, Inc. – Research Grant Award 1984
Studies of the influence of Hormones on the Relationship Between Dopaminergic and Cholinergic Activity in the Brain of the Developing Rat
Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
New York University
Investigators Name
Miller, Jeannette, PhD