Summary: The purpose of our study is to clarify the relationship of psychopathology to TS. We postulate that the behavioral symptoms often hypothesized as characterisitic of TS patients are, in fact, associated with the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity (ADD-H), and not intrinsically with TS. The goal of the study, therefore, is to demonstrate that TS patients without ADD-H have significantly less psychopathology than TS patients with an associated diagnosis of ADD-H. We will compare 30 male patients between the ages of 6 and 16 years of age who have TS alone and 30 same aged male patients with a diagnosis of TS with ADD-H. Both groups will be compared to a normal control group. We hypothesize that patients with TS alone will not differ from the normal control group. However, patients with TSADD-H will have significantly more psychopathology than patients with TS alone and the normal control group. The study of the relationship of psychopathology to TS has important consequences for clarifying the problem of heterogeneity in studies of TS and for the management and treatment of TS patients. Arthur K. Shapiro, M.D. and Elaine Shapiro, Ph.D. Mt. Sinai Medical Center New York, N.Y. Award: $15,000 Tourette Association of America, Inc. – Research Grant Award 1985
Study of Psychopathology in Tourette Syndrome
Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
Institution Organization Name
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Investigators Name
Shapiro, Arthur, MD