Thirty researchers from eleven center located in five countries are cooperating in a targeted effort to identify the gene(s) that cause TS. To date, the first phase of clinical assessments on 100 clearly affected sibling pairs and their parents has been completed, and genotyping of family DNA will commence early in 1998. In anticipation of the need to verify future findings from the first group, TSA is already supporting the collection of a second set of 100 sibpairs. The clinical data and DNA materials from all families are centralized in two locations, Yale University and Marshfield Medical Research Foundation respectively. Additional support is being provided by TSA to revisit the large families already collected for linkage studies, and funding is being provided for the assessment of two isolated populations in Costa Rica and South Africa. Once data are available from the sibpair initiative, these adjunct efforts will provide valuable information for future comparison and aid in determining the genetic underpinnings of this disorder. The Project Coordinator for the TSA Consortium is Professor Lodewijk Sandkuijl of Leiden University, The Netherlands. PARTICIPATING CENTERS Canada Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario Germany Klinikum der Philipps-Universitat, Marburg The Netherlands University Hospital Rotterdam-Dijkzigt, Rotterdam United Kingdom University College, London Medical School, London United States Yale University/Child Study Center, New Haven, CT Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, Marshfield, WI Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD Primary Children’s Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT University of California, San Francisco, CA Rockefeller University, New York, NY Award – $100,000 (Clinical Assessment of 100 Sibpairs) $80,000 (Laboratory DNA Analyses) * Monies for this targeted multi-year effort were appropriated in 1996. Recommendations for continuing support of the Consortium’s work (based on progress to date) will be determined at the February, 1998 meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. Tourette Association of America Inc. – Research Grant Award 1997
TSA-Sponsored International Consortium Genetic Research
Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
USA and Foreign-Multiple Sites
Institution Organization Name
Eleven centers in five countries
Investigators Name
Sandkujl, Lodewijk