TSA-Sponsored International Consortium Genetic Research

Grant Type
Grant Year
Institution Location
USA and Foreign-Multiple Sites
Institution Organization Name
Eleven centers in five countries
Investigators Name
Sandkujl, Lodewijk

Organized and coordinated by TSA, this Consortium of genetic scientists consists of eleven participating research centers located in five countries. Twenty-eight investigators are collaborating closely to pinpoint the genetic underpinnings of Tourette Syndrome. Discover- ing the exact location of the TS gene(s) will be of great value to TS researchers working in a variety of other fields of investigation. TSA continues to sponsor annual workshops for Consortium members so that they may effectively share data and together deter¬mine future research strategies in a cooperative and productive manner. In addition, this year we are funding the collection of the second set of 100 affected sibling pairs. The resulting DNA analyses from these new families will serve to both strengthen and verify findings now emerging from the investigation of the first 100 sib- pairs. Those initial 100 family assessments have already undergone genotyping, and the data have been analyzed for genomic regions of potential relevance to finding genetic abnormalities. PARTICIPATING CENTERS Canada Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario Germany Klinikum der Philipps-Universitat, Marburg The Netherlands University Hospital Rotterdam-Dijkzigt, Rotterdam United Kingdom University College, London Medical School, London United States Yale University/Child Study Center, New Haven, CT Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, Marshfield, WI Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD Primary Children’s Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT University of California, San Francisco, CA Rockefeller University, New York, NY Award – $100,000* * Multi-year funding for on-going clinical assessments was appropriated in 1997. The coming year’s support will be determined at the TSA Scientific Advisory Board meeting early in 1999. Tourette Association of America Inc.- Research Grant Award 1998