Getting Into College: A Complete Guide To The Application & Admissions Process

This step-by-step guide for students with Tourette Syndrome addresses the many questions that you — and your parents — will ask as you go through the process of applying to colleges. From standardized test preparation to creating your own criteria for finding the right school, this detailed brochure has been created by TSA to help college bound students make good choices.  Here are 10 steps to success!
Step One: College Admissions Tests
Step Two: Accommodations During College Admissions Tests
Step Three: Test Day Tips
Step Four: Finding the Right College for You
Step Five : College Application Reality Checks
Step Six: Research Time!
Step Seven: TS and Your College Essay
Step Eight: Visiting Colleges and College Admissions Interviews
Step Nine: Sending Out Your Applications
Step Ten: Making Your Final Decisions Dealing with Rejections and Celebrating Acceptances