How to Prepare an IEP Binder

Having an IEP binder of important resources provides parents with the necessary tools to prepare for school meetings. “How to Organize a Binder for School Meetings”, displays an example of a child’s binder and the importance of specific suggested contents.  Many parents find this binder to be a confidence booster and feel more prepared for school meetings. Preparation demonstrates that parents recognize the importance of all school meetings and the value of education for their child. Too often, important documents such as the child’s IEP/504 Plan, doctor’s diagnoses and recommendations, and samples of a child’s work are not immediately available. When parents provide these in the binder, it elevates respect from other members of the team while providing valuable, necessary information and decreasing anxiety that often occurs when meeting with school personnel.

As you can see from the video below, the binder is divided into several tabs. Please refer to the following checklist to ensure all components are included when organizing your child’s binder.

Steps to Prepare an IEP Binder