The Tourette Association of America hosted its annual Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Medical Advisory Board (MAB) meeting on May 3-4, 2018.
The Scientific Advisory Board experts reviewed grant applications from all over the world. The TAA is excited by this year’s pool of applicants and about the cutting edge research underway aimed at gaining a better neurological understanding of Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
The Medical Advisory Board is actively working on a number of projects which will be announced over this coming year, so stay tuned! The TAA is so grateful for the dedication and guidance of our MAB, many of which have worked for us for over a decade, in developing initiatives to better serve the Tourette and Tic Disorder community.
The meeting was held in conjunction with the TAA’s Centers of Excellence meeting where directors of the Centers came together to share their experiences and challenges in an open discussion on how to improve the program for those seeking care for Tourette Syndrome and related conditions and for research.
The TAA currently recognizes 9 Centers of Excellence across 16 institutions throughout the United States. Better utilizing the network of Centers for inter-center research projects and improving information sharing could ultimately result in improved care and treatment prospects. The group also discussed how to expand the program to reach a larger geographical area and how to better connect with community physicians.
A special thanks to Dentons LLC for hosting the meeting and to Dr. Peter Hollenbeck for his sponsorship.