Common Questions Regarding IEP Meetings

IEP meetings can be stressful for many reasons.  Below are common questions and resources with information which may be helpful in reducing anxiety. 

A. To be eligible for an IEP, the IEP team must determine that a student meets the IDEA definition of a ‘child with a disability’.

A. Tourette syndrome is included in IDEA definition of Other Health Impairment.

A. Yes. It may be important to have a person who has knowledge regarding Tourette either in person or by phone to address questions that frequently arise.

A. Yes. Additionally, parent may attend by phone, or electronically, if necessary.

A. Eligibility is not limited to academics. Functional needs which include everyday living skills, social skills and challenging symptoms/behaviors must be considered and supports may be required to meet the student’s ‘unique needs.’

A. If a parent/guardian believes that additional information is needed or that a specific person should be invited to offer important information, they may request that the meeting be tabled and rescheduled. A meeting is not automatically ended if a parent leaves the meeting.

A. In order for a member of the IEP team to be excused, the parent/guardian must give permission for the meeting to occur prior to the meeting. Ex: An English teacher is not able to attend due to attending a out-of-state conference. The school must receive permission from the parent/guardian that the meeting may occur as scheduled without this person being present. If this is due to a last-minute situation, such as illness, the school must ask the parent/guardian if they are in agreement to continue the meeting without this team member. If the person is a critical member, parents may refuse permission to continue and the meeting will be rescheduled.

A. The parent/guardian may request prior to the meeting a copy of a written report from the person who is unable to attend the meeting.

A. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (§300.321) describes the IEP team as including the following members:

— the parents (guardians) of the child;

— not less than one regular education teacher of the child (if the child is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment);

— not less than one special education teacher of the child, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider of the child;

— a representative of the school who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities; is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the school;

— an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results;

— other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate (invited at the discretion of the parent or the agency); and

— the child with a disability (when appropriate).