Step-By-Step Guide 

 Helene Walisever, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

The IEP or 504 meeting creates anxiety for many, if not most, parents. You might feel intimidated, overwhelmed by information and emotions and anxious.  Whether it’s your first eligibility determination meeting to see if your child qualifies for accommodations or services, or your 10th annual meeting, many parents don’t sleep well the night before. (Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) and 504 Plans are frequently confused. A 504 Plan is a document that typically details accommodations and modifications a student needs in order to have equal access to an education. An IEP could contain the same provisions as a 504 Plan but additionally details the individualized supports and services to be provided. Both are roadmaps for school personnel detailing the additional supports which allows a student with a disability to receive a free and appropriate public education.)

However, you can find comfort in that fact that the goal of the meeting is a collaborative and constructive team effort to identify your child’s needs and find ways to help support your child. This is your goal and the education team’s goal.

In the eyes of federal education law, the parent is a vital team member, but many parents don’t always feel like a vital or equal member.  To be successful, you will need to develop skills and confidence that allow you to be an equal team member.

Challenges for Parents
Enhancing Your Expertise
Learn more about TS and how it might impact your child at school.
Prior to meeting in which Evaluations will be discussed
Understanding Assessments
Get Organized
What to Bring to the Meeting
4-Item Agenda
During the Meeting
Goal of the Meeting
Preparing Your Child for a 504/IEP Meeting
Common Concerns about Children Participating in Meetings