Tag: Support

Telehealth 860
The TAA understands the importance of telehealth services for communities across the country. In an effort to improve access and coverage to telehealth for Medicare recipients, the TAA has endorsed the Connect for Health Act. The bill removes barriers and improves telehealth coverage for Medicare through the Social Security Act.
While living with tics and other co-occurring conditions can certainly bring substantial difficulty, coping with a chronic condition like Tourette Syndrome can also build persistence, grit, and determination. In this free webinar, Dr. Kenneth Phelps, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, will identify key components of adapting and thriving while living with tics.
Katie D TS by the numbers
I'm Katie Danis. Pleased to meet you. I'm an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I run a public health and sex ed YouTube channel with two of my best friends. I'm training for an ultramarathon. And at age two, I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. I've had the privilege of sharing my story in essay, Buzzfeed article, and video format. However, I've never attempted to quantify my condition. I've never identified the numerical impact of my TS or the life it affects. Until now.