I am so grateful for the opportunity to lead this community of believers. You amaze and inspire the whole team at the TAA to be better and do more. It is your stories, your involvement, your candor and your resilience that propels us. You are our rocket fuel.

New CDC Study on Tourette Syndrome in the Educational Setting
Researchers from the CDC and the Tourette Association of America have published findings about how having Tourette Syndrome and other conditions affect children in school, such as repeating a grade, academic problems, or needing special services.

Can Deep Brain Stimulation Treat Tourette Syndrome?
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a surgical therapy using an implantable device to stimulate brain regions. An international research team, led by the TAA, published the preliminary results of a study assessing efficacy and safety of DBS to treat adults with Tourette Syndrome.

Webinar: Tourette Syndrome & Co-Occurring Conditions
March 19, 2018 – 6:00pm – 7:00pm EST
Dr. Mike Himle, Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Utah will be discussing the most common co-occurring conditions and potential treatment options. Please join us for this FREE webinar.

National Advocacy Day 2018
[Public Policy]
On March 1st, more than 100 TAA representatives went to Capitol Hill for our National Advocacy day to #rally4Tourette. Participants met with 94 House and senate offices to discuss TAA’s top priorities including continued funding for the CDC Tourette syndrome Program, funding for medical research, better access to treatments and the need for telemedicine coverage.