$2 million in funding for fiscal year 2018 to support the Tourette Syndrome Public Health Education and Research Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) was approved.
Thank you to all of our incredible supporters who made the Tourette Association of America Celebration Gala on Monday, November 6th at Capitale in the Bowery, NYC a tremendous success!
Webinar: Building Friendships as Children and Adolescent. Presented by TAA Education Advisory Board Member, Dr. Jennifer Stenger from 7-8PM EST on April 25, 2018. Suggestions and strategies on interacting with peers in social situations will be discussed.
TouretteConnect February 2018 featuring the National Education Conference, Newly Diagnosed Seminar, Alternative & Complementary Therapies for TS webinar, Tourette Syndrome study, and much more!