May TouretteConnect

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Germany! Diana Shineman, TAA VP of Research and Medical, and I are here in Hannover, Germany representing the Tourette Association of America at the 12th European Conference on Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. There is no better way to kick-off Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month (May 15 – June 15) than to be surrounded by the international TS community learning and engaging together. It is also giving us major inspiration for our upcoming 2020 National Conference in Minneapolis.

Back in the states, we are out in full-force creating a sea of teal on the TODAY Show Plaza and beginning our awareness month campaign, asking the community to take the Tourette Pledge and circulate it far and wide. Over the last several months we have seen a number of inaccurate and hurtful references about Tourette Syndrome made in the media. The TAA has responded to each of these remarks by providing accurate information about TS to these outlets, offering training to employees of offending companies, and dispelling the myths of incorrect statements. Our response is an effort to end the stigma surrounding Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. While we have made progress, there is still so much more to do!

You can be part of this movement too! Help create a world where a person is seen for more than their outward differences. Help us change the public perception of TS by taking the pledge to spread awareness and increase tolerance for those who live with TS and Tic Disorders.

As a community, we’re asking for compassion and inclusion, but it starts with us working together. I hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities to get involved throughout awareness month. We cannot do this without you. Please consider making a donation to support the TAA in our continued efforts to increase much needed awareness to end the stigma. The time is now. Let us be the change together.



First Ever US Guidelines on TS and Tic Disorders


The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) released their first ever guidelines for treating Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. These guidelines are a major advancement for the Tourette community who struggle to find the right treatment for a very complex and varied condition. Medical care historically has not been consistent, and treatment depends on which healthcare provider a Tourette patient sees first.

Coordinating care between neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians, occupational therapists and others is a challenge. These guidelines will help ensure the team treating someone with Tourette has a uniform and patient-centered approach.

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Treating Tourette Together


We need your feedback! Whether you have tried it or not, we are looking for input on behavioral treatments for Tourette Syndrome. The goal is to incorporate patient, provider, and researcher feedback into the next generation of behavioral therapy for Tourette Syndrome.

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A Self-Study Option for Social Workers


To meet continuing education needs, there is now a self-study option to learn about Tourette Syndrome.
The Tourette Association of America-Wisconsin Chapter, in partnership with the National Association of Social Workers-Wisconsin Chapter, is pleased to announce four new self-study courses available online.

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The Importance of Educating Your Congressional Representatives

[Public Policy]

Take awareness month as an opportunity to reach out to your local Representative and Senators to inform them about TS. They were elected to represent you, and they can do so when they know your needs. It is key for Congress to understand Tourette Syndrome, and it is extremely effective for them to hear directly from their constituents in their local district and state offices.

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