Social Security

Social Security Eligibility

Tourette Syndrome is recognized officially under the category of 12.11 Neurodevelopmental disorders. 

To ensure that citizens with Tourette Syndrome receive a quick and deliberate process when applying for public services provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA), we suggest that the SSA determine disability on a case by case basis, including but not be limited to: diagnosis, symptom severity and impairment, as well as, quality of life impact. Under some circumstances, people with TS do not receive a timely or deliberative eligibility decision by SSA due to a lack of understanding of the disorder and its debilitating effects on some individuals. For those who have received approval for SSA benefits and services, the process can be lengthy with patients having to pursue an endless appeals process.

We believe increased knowledge about Tourette Syndrome will result in fewer unwarranted denials and appeals to providing critical support for people with Tourette Syndrome. This is why the Tourette Association recommends:

  • Basing eligibility criteria on both diagnoses and symptom severity;
  • Broadening the definition of medical evidentiary requirements;
  • Adding observation to the final screening process.