Public Policy Priorities
While the Tourette Association Public Policy Office monitors, endorses and advocates for numerous pieces of federal legislation and regulation by necessity we must focus our efforts on certain legislative priorities.
Appropriations for Tourette Syndrome at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) and the Tourette Association have partnered to provide much needed education and research programs on Tourette. The program strives to advance scientific knowledge about the prevalence, risk-factors and treatment of Tourette as well as educate physicians, health care professionals, and school personnel, and the general public about the disorder.
The National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System (NNCSS)
Advocating for the inclusion of Tourette Syndrome to receive systematic epidemiological research, data collection and analysis at the CDC to better understand the true prevalence and public health impact of the disorder within the NNCSS as enacted in the 21st Century Cures Act.
The Congressional Tourette Syndrome Caucus
The Caucus is a bi-partisan coalition of members committed to advocating on behalf of Americans with Tourette. The Caucus recognizes the needs of children and adults struggling with Tourette and strives to educate and involve members on the topic as it is addressed by Congress. We are continuing to work to solicit Representatives and Senators to join and make this a strong Bipartisan and Bicameral Caucus.
The Collaborative Academic Research Efforts (CARE) for Tourette Syndrome Act (H.R. 113)
The CARE Act (H.R.113) would require the Director of the NIH to expand, intensify, and coordinate programs and activities regarding scientific and clinical research on Tourette. This legislation is being led nationally by the Tourette Association in partnership with New Jersey Center on Tourette Syndrome (NJCTS) at Rutgers.
Related Resources
Public Policy One Pager (1st Session 116th Congress)
2016 2nd Session Table of Congressional Supporters
House of Representatives 2018 Legislative Calendar
Senate 2018 Legislative Calendar
Caucus Support Letter
Sponsor Support Letter
House Support Letter
Senate Support Letter