Standing up for Yourself: Explaining Tourette at School

How will Tourette affect me at school and how can I stand up for myself?

This section explains ways you can talk to your classmates and teachers about Tourette Syndrome, including a class activity.

Sometimes you might feel like your tics make it harder for you at school. For example, you might have a hard time writing or paying attention in class. If you ever have a teacher who does not understand what it is like to have Tourette Syndrome (TS) or tics, you can work with your parents or guardian to make sure you are getting the help you need.

Sometimes people are bullied because of their tics. This happens because a lot of people don’t understand what TS is. Teaching others about Tourette Syndrome and tics can often stop bullying or make it happen less often. If you feel comfortable, you can talk to your parents and school about teaching your classmates and friends about Tourette.

Making a presentation to give to the class, passing out information, or even showing a movie can help teach others and create an environment for success at school. It is sometimes helpful to have everyone in your class write the same thing. While they are writing either you or your teacher can have them do a “tic”, such as clapping their hands every time the teacher makes a noise. This activity would help classmates to understand what it’s like to have a tic.

You can get free information and movies from the Tourette Association to help you. You can even invite a Tourette Association Youth Ambassador to present at your school!

It’s important to understand that there are famous athletes, singers, and actors who have Tourette Syndrome. Just like you, it’s only part of who they are and doesn’t stop someone from doing what they are good at!

*For parents who would like more information about accommodations in the classroom, contact the Tourette Association or visit