Past Webinars

Presented by: Patty Mendoza
The Tourette Association of America reviews ways to help support children with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. We review ways to develop a working relationship with the school, strategies that children can use to cope effectively with symptoms, management strategies available, and school systems in place to help your children be successful.

Presented by: Gina Schlicksup
Are you thinking about starting to homeschool? Are you generally interested in learning more about homeschooling? Gina Schlicksup, founder of Parent Empowerment Groups, provides information on the topic.

Presented by: Kenneth W. Phelps, Ph.D.
The idea of re-entering society during a post-pandemic world might be stressful to some, particularly for those living with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. Join Kenneth W. Phelps, Ph.D. as he reviews findings from the 2021 American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey, discusses strategies to cope effectively with re-entry anxiety, and explores ways to build resilience in the wake of the pandemic.

Presented by: Dr. Katie Kompoliti and Eric McGowan
A healthy romantic relationship requires dedicated partners, patience, and time. When one of the partners is impacted by a chronic condition, such as Tourette Syndrome, the relationship can be tested. Dr. Katie Kompoliti and Eric McGowan reunite to discuss the intricacies of navigating a romantic relationship.

Presented by: Kate Mielitz, PhD, AFC® and Gretchen Cole-Lade, PhD
This webinar will briefly describe how ADHD, Anxiety, and Executive Function needs can impact learning and social skills in a classroom. Instructional Teaching Strategies for educators to use and parents to advocate for will be shared.

Presented by: Amanda Coffman
Across much of the United States, back-to-school time has come in the Spring instead of the Fall. Whether your children have been entirely at home or doing some form of hybrid education, many students are heading back to school full time. Transitions can be difficult for those with Tourette Syndrome, and this transition, in particular, presents some additional challenges. Learn how to make the transition as smooth as possible!

Presented by: Dr. Heather Simpson
Understanding the complexity and uniqueness of each child living with Tourette Syndrome, the speakers of this course bring a variety of case vignettes in multiple environments and emphasize/review treatment goals for each context.

Presented by: Jill Cohen and Jackie Nau
This webinar discusses life as women living with Tourette Syndrome. The presenters share their experiences and give advice when it comes to life’s challenges.

Presented by: Jen Stenger Ph.D.
This webinar focuses on strategies for the classroom to assist a student with Tourette Syndrome. Strategies are suggested for both the student and teacher. These strategies and accommodations, while simple to implement, can make a resounding difference in the success, and happiness, of a student with Tourette.

Presented by: Jan Rowe, Dr. OT, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA
The educational environment is a multi-faceted, stimulating place. For youth with Tic Disorders (TD) it can be a place of high stress and even fear. Occupational therapists have a unique skill set that allow for contextual assessment and when needed, intervention. During this webinar, as part of the Occupational Therapist Webinar Series, the presenter, Jan Rowe, Dr. OT, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA, details numerous ways in which OTs can and need to be involved with this population.

Presented by: Margery J. Henning, MS, OTR/L
While Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder, there are often co-occurring conditions that may be more troublesome than the actual tics. In this webinar, Occupational Therapists learn how to apply their expertise to assess underlying factors that are impeding progress and develop a team-oriented approach for success in school, home, and community.

Presented by: Brian T. Lane
Students with Tourette Syndrome often present with co-occurring conditions. This webinar uncovers how OCD and anxiety can present with Tourette Syndrome.

Presented by: TAA VP of Public Policy, Diana Felner, and TAA Rising Leader, Olivia Woodrich
Self- Advocacy is an important way for a person with Tourette Syndrome to increase awareness about their diagnosis, while also bettering the lives of those affected by TS and other Tic Disorders.

Presented by: Michael B. Himle, Ph.D.
If you believe the commercials, the holiday season is a bottomless bowl of peace, joy, relaxation, and happiness. Unfortunately, the reality is that for many people the holidays are a source of significant stress, anxiety, worry, and frustration. But this does not have to be the case.

Presented by: Julie Hertzog, Director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
Designed for parents, professionals, and youth this webinar shows that we all have an important role to play to address and prevent cyberbullying.

Presented by: Amanda Coffman, MSEd and Keith Coffman, M.D.
The emotional outbursts that are part of Tourette Syndrome can add strain to children, parents, and whole families. If you find yourself walking on eggshells around your child to keep him or her from exploding, it’s time to learn some new strategies.

Presented by: Dr. Mona Delahooke
Dr. Mona Delahooke introduced a new approach to solving children’s behavioral challenges using a developmental and relationship-based approach. She emphasizes understanding and compassion in working with neurodiverse children and teens and offers us a new lens on how children’s brains and bodies make sense of their environment.

Presented by: Dr. Katie Kompoliti and Eric McGowan
Navigating family and personal relationships with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders can be tricky at times. It remains misunderstood and those around you may have a difficult time understanding the obstacles faced on a daily basis with this diagnosis.

Presented by: Dr. Katrina Hermetet
Dr. Katrina Hermetet, clinical psychologist and director of the Tic & Tourette Service at Akron Children’s Hospital, discussed comorbid mental health conditions commonly associated with TS, treatment approaches and ways to build resilience.

Presented by: Dr. Kenneth Phelps
Learn how to cope with depression during this webinar. Participants learn strategies to build psychological and relational flexibility. Several methods of unhooking from self-critical thoughts were reviewed, as well as behavioral techniques to bounce back from the darkness.

Presented by: TAA Rising Leaders Haley Carlton, Hayley Pennington, and Katie Allensworth
Preparing for college can feel like an overwhelming process, especially for those with Tourette Syndrome and co-occurring conditions. Tourette Association of America Rising Leaders Haley Carlton, Hayley Pennington, and Katie Allensworth discuss their experiences with choosing the right college, living with TS in college, and helpful accommodations for college students with TS.

Presented by: Dr. Michael S. Okun
This Facebook Live with Dr. Michael Okun discussed the common questions and answers about the medical and surgical treatment of Tourette Syndrome during the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Okun is author of 11 books including “Tourette Syndrome: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life,” and he reviewed the dos and don’ts for Tourette patients during the COVID crisis.

Presented by: Heather Simpson, OTD, OTR/L and Shannon Floyd, OTR/L
Among the chaos of home quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, parenting a child with tics can feel overwhelming. This webinar discusses practical and informal occupational therapy strategies to help with self-regulation, executive functioning difficulties and tic management strategies during this unfamiliar and uncertain time. The focus of this program is to provide practical, everyday strategies to assist children on managing life skills necessary for everyday living.

Presented by: Dr. Anthony Rostain and Rising Leader Emberly Sevilla
Dr. Rostain and Emberly discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as some of the challenges that our adult community is experiencing during this trying time. This presentation focuses on ways to cope including identifying triggers for anxiety, challenging unhelpful ways of thinking, developing resiliency skills, and learning how to improve quality of life.

Presented by: Mobility International USA, the Tourette Association and TAA Youth Ambassador Jane
The Tourette Association and Mobility International USA staff discuss helpful tips on how students with Tourette Syndrome can successfully study and intern abroad; including academic accommodations, insurance, medications, and tips on how to prepare for flights.

Presented by: Kate Mielitz Ph.D., AFC®, from Raising Tourettes and Wendy Wegman, Education Specialist at the Tourette Association of America
A discussion of how to navigate the changes caused by COVID-19 and the importance of practicing communication as it relates to the Tourette and Tic Community. Doing right or doing wrong, we’re all in this together.

Presented by: Dr. Wissam Deeb
When a person with Tourette Syndrome becomes an adult, one of the additional obstacles that they are faced with is identifying a care team to continue their treatment in this stage of life. Dr. Wissam Deeb addresses this issue.

This webinar reviewed the assessment of OCD as well as evidence-based interventions such as psychoeducation, cognitive strategies, mindfulness, exposure and response prevention. The focus was on the integration of different treatment strategies for different types of OCD symptoms. The impact of common comorbidities, strategies to address treatment non-adherence to maintain treatment gains were also discussed.

Presented by: Dr. Max Wiznitzer
This webinar discusses the diagnostic criteria for ADHD and how the clinical presentation of ADHD presents from the preschool years to adulthood. It will also cover the co-occurrence of ADHD, tics and related comorbid disorder and the treatment options and issues associated with co-occurring ADHD and tics.

Presented by: Emily Ricketts, Ph.D.
This webinar is focused on sleep problems and management in youth with persistent tic disorders, including Tourette Syndrome. Dr. Ricketts discussed the typical course of sleep as youth develop; recognizing when sleep problems are present; the most common types of sleep problems presenting in youth with persistent tic disorders; links between sleep and tic worsening. She also provided an overview of strategies to manage common youth sleep problems.

Presenters: Ellie Jarvie, LSCW and Attorney Steven Corfman
Do you know that having a diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome and associated conditions qualifies you for protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? TAA Wisconsin Chapter Chair, Ellie Jarvie, LCSW and Civil Rights At tourney, Steven Corfman, discuss the ADA can be used to help support you in the workplace. This webinar will review questions about disclosure and accommodations at every step of the process, from the application process to the interview to issues that may arise on the job.

Presented by: Kenneth W. Phelps, Ph.D., LMFT
While living with tics and other co-occurring conditions can certainly bring substantial difficulty, coping with a chronic condition like Tourette Syndrome can also build persistence, grit, and determination. Dr. Kenneth Phelps, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, presented a free webinar on identifying the key components of adapting and thriving while living with tics. Also, learn about building realistic optimism and taking a problem-solving orientation.

Presented by: Kathy Giordano, Wendy Wegman
Attending school can be challenging in many ways for children with Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders. Building a positive partnership between home and school begins early and needs to be nurtured throughout the year.

Presented by: Angela Sullivan, MPH
Are you interested in free resources available for families and individuals with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders? The Tourette Association has numerous FREE educational resources, including Tool-kits for families, providers, educators, children, young adults, and law enforcement; a library of Free webinars; Online support groups; and Educational videos.

Presented by: Dr. Miriam Monahan, Heather Simpson, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
This free webinar is ideal for parents/guardians of children with Tourette Syndrome who are pre-teen and teen age. Driving and community mobility are important for independence and often considered a rite of passage into adulthood.
However, for parents of children with special needs, knowing whether or when your child is ready to pursue driving is often a difficult question. The presenters will provide an overview of the essential skills needed for driving and discuss the potential challenges individuals with Tourette Syndrome might experience during drivers’ education and after they are licensed. Participants will also learn about how to help children develop the necessary skills for driving, a driver-training tool, and resources to support their child through drivers’ education.
Join us on Tuesday, May 7 from 7PM – 8PM EST for Driving and Tourette Syndrome: What Should We Know?

Presented by: Natalie Joseph-Pauline
The Tourette Association has launched the Youth Ambassador Rising Leaders Program for previously trained and experienced Youth Ambassadors as well as motivated young adults on July 12-13, 2019.
This Leaders Program will provide an educational experience as well as a chance to mentor the new Youth Ambassadors being trained. This informational webinar will go into more depth about the program.

Presented by: Dr. Douglas Woods
If you are interested in learning more about Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT), this webinar featuring Dr. Douglas Woods, TAA Medical Advisory Board Member, explains CBIT in-depth.
Dr. Woods describes tic phenomenology, the three ideas behind behavioral treatment, how environment plays a role in tic management and example of CBIT therapy.

Presented by: Julie Hertzog
Designed for parents, professionals, and youth, this webinar shows that we all have an important role to play in bullying prevention.
Julie Hertzog, Director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, covers the following points to foster bullying prevention:
- Defining bullying and understanding the dynamics
- Exploring bullying prevention law and policy
- Helping students with an IEP or 504
- Advocating as an adult for and with the child
- Encouraging those who witness bullying to take action
- Parents and schools working together

Presented by: Julie Hertzog & Christopher Alessandri
This Facebook Live features Julie Hertzog, Director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, and Christopher Alessandri, TAA Youth Ambassador, discussing the topic of bullying.
Both will cover audience questions, and teach some important facts that can help with bullying prevention.

Presented by: Dr. Michael Himle
Although motor and vocal tics are the defining and most recognizable symptoms of Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders, many individuals also experience problems with anxiety and a depressed mood. These problems are often overlooked.
In this webinar, Dr. Himle discussed the signs and symptoms of normal and abnormal anxiety and depression and helped participants understand some of the reasons that these problems are so common in individuals with TS. More importantly, Dr. Himle explains what treatment options are available, how to find help (or know if you are getting the right help), and outlines practical strategies for managing anxiety and mood problems in both adults and children.

Presented by: Weill Cornell Medical College
Here is the afternoon session recording of the CME Tourette workshop for all allied healthcare professionals working with Tourette and tic disorders, courtesy of the Weill Cornell Medical College and the NY State Consortium Centers of Excellence with the Tourette Association of America.
This symposium offers an overview on Tic disorders for community healthcare providers to help them accurately diagnose and manage Tic disorders and comorbid conditions across the lifespan. In a highly interactive format, health care providers receive practical information and tools for their first patient encounter with Tourette and Tic disorders.

Presented by: Dr. Kenneth Phelps & Dr. Heather Simpson
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Felt that there is just too much to do to ensure your loved one’s success?
This webinar where Dr. Kenneth Phelps and Dr. Heather Simpson discussed the idea of a “Tic Management Lifestyle” with simple and practical solutions can have a large impact for better days. They discussed four necessary components for “Tic Management Lifestyle”, defined the role of the environment on tics, and provided functional strategies to promote the “Tic Management Lifestyle.”

Presented by: Jill M. Harkavy-Friedman, Ph.D
This webinar, Talk Saves Lives, with Jill M. Harkavy-Friedman, Ph.D gives an introduction to suicide prevention.
Dr. Harkavy-Friedman covers the scope of the problem, the current research around it, suicide warnings and prevention methods and what you to help.

Presented by: Dr. Heather Simpson and Dr. Tana Carson
Hosted by the Tourette Health and Education Program, occupational therapists Dr. Heather Simpson and Dr. Tana Carson address the many ways occupational therapists can improve living with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
The objectives of this webinar are to: Understand the role of Occupational Therapy, Describe the role of Occupational Therapy in managing those living with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders, Briefly explore the various strategies that occupational therapists can be effective in treating the complex needs of Tourette and Tic Disorders in order to allow person to live a productive and fulfilling life and Identify ways to locate and advocate for occupational therapy services for all ages and in all settings close to home

Presented by: Margery Henning MS
Margery Henning, a Tourette Association of America Educational Advisory Committee and occupational therapist discusses the ways for individuals with Tourette and Tic Disorders to get through all the sensory overloads that the holidays bring.
The webinar defines sensory processing, how the behaviors can be misinterpreted, how these behaviors look for kids with Tourette Syndrome, sensory evaluation and more. Understanding sensory overload is important to help create a safer environment for those with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.

Presented by: Dr. Katie Kompoliti, M.D.
This webinar featuring Dr. Katie Kompoliti, discusses complementary treatments for Tourette Syndrome and the five categories of treatment.
The five categories include:
- Biologically Based Therapies
- Manipulative & Body Based Methods
- Mind-Body Medicine
- Alternative Medical
- Energy Therapy
The webinar also discusses advantages of treatment, effectiveness, and potential issues to watch out for.