Behavioral Therapy Institute – CBIT Trainings

Recognizing the critical shortage of trained behavioral therapists for treating Tourette Syndrome (TS) and tic disorders, the Tourette Association of America Inc. has established the Tourette Syndrome Behavior Therapy Institute (TS-BTI). 

Developed by members of the Tourette Association of America Behavioral Science Consortium, the program is designed to help increase the number and availability of therapists trained in Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). Programs are held at regular intervals in different locations around the country by our TAA TS-BTI Faculty.

This training is open to the nursing profession, as well as social workers, psychologists, medical doctors, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and all other licensed healthcare providers who will treat individuals with Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders using CBIT.

Attendance Requirements

To qualify for a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, trainees must attend the entire two-day training program and complete three to five follow-up phone calls/consultation sessions with a designated TS-BTI faculty member. No exceptions will be made to these requirements.
Training Cost:
The cost of registration is payable upon registration. This fee does not include travel, meals, or lodging.
Upon registration, trainees are required to sign a Participant Memorandum of Understanding (PMU) and submit a copy of their license/certification.

Upcoming TS-BTI Trainings:

For More Information, Contact:

Chantel Campbell, Training Coordinator
[email protected]

BTI Reviews:

“This course was among the top 2 or 3 professional development experiences I’ve had in my 40+ year OT practice. It was stellar. The value of the course content, mentorship, and interpersonal engagement of the instructors exceeded all expectations.” – 2021 Participant

“I’ve recommended to many already! The program was extremely informative.” – 2021 Participant

“This was a great program!” – 2022 Participant

“I found this material very interesting and helpful for framing my view of TS.” – 2021 Participant