Newly Diagnosed

Whether or not you or your child has received a formal diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome (TS) or another Tic Disorder, the Tourette Association of America is here to support you, provide useful information, and help you find resources and professionals – including physicians, social workers, educational specialists and therapists – who can help you effectively navigate life with the condition.

The perfect next step is to review the Newly Diagnosed Seminar found below to find answers to many of your questions. 

You can also contact us to find personalized support by using the chat functionality on this webpage or by emailing [email protected]

Find a Doctor

To help you access quality treatment, the Tourette Association of America has compiled a list of Medical and Allied Professionals who are knowledgeable about this spectrum of neurological disorders. These doctors are also able to help those seeking a formal diagnosis. We have also established a network of Centers of Excellence across the country, which are models of coordinated care for TS and other Tic Disorders within healthcare and hospital systems.

Years ago, with little or no knowledge of Tourette Syndrome, the prognosis was vague. Over the decades, doctors have followed many more people with Tourette and Tic Disorders, so a considerable amount of information and treatment options are now available. People living with vocal or motor tics may expect to lead fairly normal lives. While you and your family pursue a diagnosis, review the treatment options available

Dr. Keith A. Coffman, a physician with more than ten years experience with patients with Tourette Syndrome, offers advice on planning for a successful doctor’s visit.

Newly Diagnosed Seminar

This two-part seminar, presented by John Walkup, MD – an international authority on Tourette Syndrome (TS) and psychiatry – provides extensive, up-to-date information on TS and other Tic Disorders, including discussions of treatment, everyday coping strategies, and behavioral management tools. This is a perfect starting point for individuals living with Tourette Syndrome, their parents and caregivers, as well as advocates to begin their journey of understanding the condition as well as successfully navigating life with the condition.

Join TAA Workshops, Support Groups, Trainings, and Events

The Tourette Association of America hosts numerous free, skill-building programs throughout the year and across the country. The TAA also connects Chapters across the United States that can provide local support groups and other resources.

Please visit our Events page to browse and register for an upcoming opportunity, join our email list, and or follow us on social media via the icons on this page.