A professional development webinar series designed for Occupational Therapists to gain a better understanding of Tourette Syndrome, its wide ranging effects, and the critical need for services, aligned with the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process (3rd ed).
Facebook Live: Bringing the “Passion, Purpose and Possibility” to Tic Disorders
Are you an Occupational Therapist wondering how you could support a patient at your practice or student at your school who has Tourette Syndrome? Watch as we wrap-up both the OT Webinar Series and OT Awareness Month with OT, Dr. Heather Simpson!
Dr. Simpson discusses the role OTs play both at school and in clinical practice, and the benefit they have to a person living with TS. She also answers questions from the OT professional webinar series and shares additional resources available at the TAA.
Speaker: Dr. Heather Simpson
Heather Simpson, OTD, OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist at the UF Health Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases in Gainesville, Florida. Heather serves as the Tourette Association Centers of Excellence Coordinator for the Institute. Dr. Simpson has a pediatric specialty from the American Occupational Therapy Association and has been treating both adults and children with tic & Tourette Disorders since 2012. Her current focus is on occupational therapy management for tic disorders, as well as use of CBIT to treat tics and improve quality of life. She has participated in multiple small research studies and multiple webinars related to occupational and daily life functioning for those living with tic disorders. Her most recent publication on the related topic is Handwriting Skills in Children with Tic Disorders. Dr. Simpson has been allotted opportunities for training to occupational therapists, as well as other allied health professionals in management of tic disorders, including a chapter in 10 Secrets to a Happier Life with Tourette Syndrome. She currently serves on the TS-BTI faculty for CBIT.
For previously recorded webinars, check out the offerings below:
Case Vignettes, Applications and Resources for OTs
Understanding the complexity and uniqueness of each child living with Tourette Syndrome, the speakers of this course bring a variety of case vignettes in multiple environments and emphasize/review treatment goals for each context. In addition, the presenter provides attendees with a host of FREE and valuable resources available to occupational therapists and persons living with Tourette Syndrome that can be helpful in your practice.
- Utilize real-world scenarios to determine occupational therapists plan of cares and goals for children living with tics
- Utilize case vignettes to identify occupational needs impacting persons living with Tourette syndrome and how to initiate care
- State three online resources for support and education for persons living with Tic Disorders
Speaker: Dr. Heather Simpson
Heather Simpson, OTD, OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist at the UF Health Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases in Gainesville, Florida. Heather serves as the Tourette Association Centers of Excellence Coordinator for the Institute. Dr. Simpson has a pediatric specialty from the American Occupational Therapy Association and has been treating both adults and children with tic & Tourette Disorders since 2012. Her current focus is on occupational therapy management for tic disorders, as well as use of CBIT to treat tics and improve quality of life. She has participated in multiple small research studies and multiple webinars related to occupational and daily life functioning for those living with tic disorders. Her most recent publication on the related topic is Handwriting Skills in Children with Tic Disorders. Dr. Simpson has been allotted opportunities for training to occupational therapists, as well as other allied health professionals in management of tic disorders, including a chapter in 10 Secrets to a Happier Life with Tourette Syndrome. She currently serves on the TS-BTI faculty for CBIT.
Unleash Your Superpower! Why students with Tourette Syndrome and related disorders need an OT in their corner.
While Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder, there are often co-occurring conditions that may be more troublesome than the actual tics. In spite of average intelligence, students might exhibit delays in age-appropriate skills, across multiple domains. Symptoms may be misinterpreted as manipulative behaviors. An effective therapeutic relationship requires an understanding of the symptoms and overlapping conditions that are impacting the student. In this webinar, participants learn how to apply their expertise to assess underlying factors that are impeding progress and develop a team-oriented approach for success in school, home, and community. We also discuss development of strengths, self-awareness and advocacy skills needed for ongoing success.
- List criteria for diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome
- Recognize at least five common co-occurring conditions related to Tourette Syndrome
- State five areas of occupation impacted by students living with Tourette Syndrome
- Discuss adaptations to the school environment or required activity to enable participation
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Speaker: Margery J. Henning, MS, OTR/L
Margery has over 25years of experience in pediatric OT, initially as an OTA and now as an OTR, after earning her BS/MS in OT from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She conducts frequent in-services regarding the efficacy of Occupational Therapy for individuals with Tourette and related neurological conditions at local, state, regional and National Tourette conferences as well as for the Niagara Frontier District OT Association. She has been involved with transition services and has presented on programs for adolescents with dual diagnoses. Margery served as the chairman of the board of the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA) of Western New York, and currently serves on the National Tourette Association of America Education Advisory Committee. Margie has two adult sons, a grandson and several extended family members living with TS and related disorders. Currently in private practice, she previously worked at University of Buffalo Center for Assistive Technology.
Success in the educational environment: It’s not all about grades.
The educational environment is a multi-faceted, stimulating place. For youth with Tic Disorders (TD) it can be a place of high stress and even fear. Occupational therapists have a unique skill set which allow for contextual assessment and when needed, intervention. Youth with tic disorders are of average or higher intelligence and yet their needs in the educational arena can be great. During this webinar, the presenter details numerous ways in which OTs can and need to be involved with this population.
- Understand the letter and spirit of the laws which allow you to intervene with this group of youth
- Identify 3-5 ‘stressors’ for a youth with TD in the educational environment
- Describe 2-4 ways OT can enhance the educational environment for youth with TD
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Speaker: Jan Rowe, Dr. OT, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA
Dr. Rowe is a retired faculty member from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). While on faculty she served in administrative, teaching and research positions, while continuing to practice in pediatrics. In 2004 she graduated from NOVA South Eastern University with her clinical doctorate in occupational therapy. In 2010, with an increased focus in pediatrics, program development and service to underserved populations Dr. Rowe was the first occupational therapist to develop and coordinate a comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics (CBIT) program for children with tic disorders.
Following retirement from UAB in 2012 Dr. Rowe moved the CBIT program to Children’s of Alabama. In 2015 Children’s/UAB was part of the SE Center of Excellence Consortium with four other Universities in the southeast. As of 2019 Children’s/UAB has been an independent TS Center of Excellence, designated by the Tourette Association of America (TAA). In addition, Dr. Rowe serves on the Medical Advisory Board for the TAA and is the Co-director of the Children’s’ of Alabama/University of Alabama at Birmingham TS Center of Excellence.
Rowe’s other activities include research in occupational performance areas of youth with Tourette syndrome and tic disorders, she is a trainer in CBIT for other occupational therapists and provides numerous presentations for medical professionals and educators in and around the southeast.